
Friday, 20 August 2010

Going Against The Status Quo

Status Quo. The values of a society at any given point in time. Let's think about the story of Guru Nanak for one moment. Guru Nanak's parents prayed and prayed for God to come into their house, and when they finally had a son, they never recognised his Godly nature. Why? Because Guru Nanak went against the status quo, and anyone who goes against the status quo is a trouble-maker. But Guru Nanak was not a hooligan either, he challenged people's interpretations about reality with grace and humility - these were his greatest assets.

Naturally, in all periods of time, there is a status quo. We must as a society learn to continually refresh and challenge our ideas and thoughts about reality. The more we challenge our own mind's patterns, the more we challenge the status quo of society. Sooner or later, we will come to a nothingness as a global society - the nothingness is a state of elevated super consciousness. This however is just the first baby stage of society.

Next, will come the state of musicality, where the nothingness bursts into music and bliss. This is the adult stage of society, where everyone is continually absorbed in the state of blissful awareness, flowing with kindness and compassion. Then comes a new era of human existence, the era of bliss for all, everywhere. Sat Naam.

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