
Saturday, 7 February 2009

Scepticism and Infinity of the Human Being

Anything that promotes the infinity of human being shall always be naturally returned with a degree of scepticism, not only because human being has a tendency to be negative due to the negative mind being imbalanced, but also that human beings are a slave to their mind and ego to which the concept of infinity is a threat.

Therefore, it is not the soul of a person which has a problem which an expansion of consciousness, it is the mind which wants to remain the master. People are being played by the game of their mind and yet remain oblivious to this process. The process is a paradox. It is a paradox because in order to become free from the game of the mind, human beings must expand their consciousness, however, human beings are unaware they have to expand their consciousness because they remain blinded by the ego and the limited mind. Therefore, it is only through an experience or insight of the soul, which sometimes shines through, that this separation of mind, ego and soul becomes clearer and human being sets off on the path to realise their true unlimited selves within themselves. This is why human beings require a technology or tool to find the areas in which the ego and mind are playing a game, to become aware of their processes and in that awareness, become their master and not their slave.

However, even becoming unlimited is only part of the process. If a person has the power to do anything in the universe, it will bring a lot of satisfaction, but it shall not fulfil the person. Even if a human being learns to serve people, it shall bring happiness, but not fulfilment. Fulfilment is being fully-filled with love. This can only happen through a relationship. A worldly relationship may feel very fulfilling, but it is limited by time and space. Time because everyone must one day die and space because unless the person who you fall in love with is present, the separation causes pain. Worldly relationships are where a lot of technologies of finding infinity end, but it is where Sikh Dharma begins. Sikh Dharma allows the human being to fall in love with the Universal Consciousness which is beyond time and space, beyond birth and death. It is through this union with Universal Consciousness, God, Krishna, Vaheguru, Ram, Allah, whatever your terminology, that total fulfilment is possible. It is a love which never dies and is completely unconditional.

Together with being unlimited in being and fulfilled with unconditional love, the spiritual aspirant is ready to share and serve all people seeking the same spiritual path. In spiritual terminology these two concepts are known as Shakti and Bhakti. Shakti is power and Bhakti is devotion. Through a balance of Shakti and Bhakti, it is possible to become powerful yet graceful, and grounded yet intuitive. These are the two wings of a spiritual aspirant. An imbalance between these two forces, causes a person to walk towards their fate instead of their destiny. The fate is a series of causes and effects which lead a person into a reality that is not their destiny. The destiny of all human beings is to find the stillness and oneness within themselves.

In practical terms, you can develop Shakti through Kundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga or other forms of spiritual unfolding and personal development which expands your being and your projection. However, Bhakti is developed through service of others (Seva or Karma Yoga), singing God's praises (Simran or Bhakti Yoga) and reading scriptures which make the head bow to the heart (Bani or Naad Yoga). Whatever spiritual path you take, you should make sure it is a tried and tested path to reach your inner infinity. If people in the past have followed such a path and found their Divine Indweller, then you can be sure it shall work for you, so long as you follow the tenants of that path with complete sincerity and submission. Therefore, it is important to chose a path and stick to it irrespective of your own judgements, scepticism and feelings. For nothing is as it seems, and strange are the ways of the masters and teachers.

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