
Friday, 22 May 2009

Keeping the heart healthy: The Result

Sat Naam! So, the experiment with doing regular running daily has had real benefits and my heart is definitely healthier in just a month. I'm fascinated at the difference in my health so rapidly! I can run on average for 15 - 20 minutes now and without too much exhaustion. The longest I've so far run for is 25 minutes, and that was pushing all my boundaries, but then again, God loves to push my boundaries!

Running is such a beautiful thing. Absolute freedom! And afterwards I'm sweating all over, which is such a good feeling (without trying to sound too much like a Hippie!). I now understand the privilege of having legs to run with. Some people don't have legs, so having legs is a privilege. By running I'm honouring my heart, my legs, my body, I'm respecting the fact they serve me so well and so I should keep them in good shape. That's the least I can do - keep them in good shape! I owe it to them to keep them in good shape. It's Ang Sang Waheguru.

And also, I'm discovering the importance of the mind whilst running. It becomes either a big barrier or a big support depending on how it's wired up. If I hadn't actively developed the capacity of my mind, this running business would have stopped long before. Even whilst running, I have a constant consciousness about the thoughts running through my mind - if you can pardon the pun. As I run, thoughts run too. As I run faster, thoughts run faster too. Since the mind is connected intimately to the breath. But, if a person does not know how to process the thoughts, then that person will not be able to persevere in anything. It's so important, for those who do sports or martial arts, to also develop the capacity of the mind and everyday clear it.

At the moment I'm doing a meditation called Gun Patee, to make the impossible possible, for 31 minutes in the evening before I go to sleep. All my successes in running have been due to this meditation. For those who want to join me in practising this meditation, below are the instructions modified from the KRI Library of Teachings website.

Please Note: The website displays an incorrect version of Gunpati Kriya. The KRI approved version can be found here.


This beautiful and powerful meditation has a history in its name. The ancient symbol for this was the Hindu God of Knowledge and Happiness, Ganesha. The other name for Ganesha is Gunpati or Ganpati. Ganesha was depicted as a rotund man with the head of an elephant. This huge body balances and rides on a rat, conveying the message that even the impossible can be done with this meditation. The rat represents the quality of penetration. A rat can get in almost any place. So Ganesha can know anything and can get past any blockages.

Wisdom and wise choices grant you happiness in your life. The impact of this meditation is to clear the blocks from your own karma. Each of us has three regions of life to conquer: The past which is recorded in our samskaras and which brings us the challenges and blessings of fate are balanced by these sounds; the present which must be mastered by karma yoga, the practice of action with integrity in the moment; and the future, recorded in the ether and, which at its best and most fulfilled, is called dharma. This kriya allows you to let go of the attachments to the mind and to the impact of past actions so you can create and live a fulfilled life and a perfect future.

How To Do It
Sit with legs crossed on the floor (easy pose), or in a chair with feet flat and a straight spine with the chin slightly tucked in towards the chest (light jalandhar bandh). Elbows straight, wrists resting on knees. The eyes are 1/10th open, concentrating at the Third Eye Point, which is at the roof of the nose between the two physical eyebrows.

The mantra that we will be using is Sa-Ta-Na-Ma-Ra-Ma-Da-Sa-Sa-Sey-Soh-Hung. The mantra is chanted in the following way:
Sa: Press the thumb to the index finger.
Ta: Press the thumb to the second finger.
Na: Press the thumb to the ring finger.
Ma: Press the thumb to the baby finger.

Ra: Press the thumb to the index finger.
Ma: Press the thumb to the second finger.
Da: Press the thumb to the ring finger.
Sa: Press the thumb to the baby finger.

Sa: Press the thumb to the index finger.
Sey: Press the thumb to the second finger.
Soh: Press the thumb to the ring finger.
Hung: Press the thumb to the baby finger.

There are three parts to this kriya:
Part I
Chant the mantra on a single breath, as you press the fingertips sequentially with each syllable. Use a monotone voice or use the same melody you would use for Kirtan Kriya. The eyes are 1/10th open. Concentrate at the Third Eye Point.

Time: Continue for 11-62 minutes.

Part II
Inhale deeply and hold the breath. Move the body in a slow twist and stretch motion. Move each muscle of the body. Move the head, torso, arms, back, belly and hands. Then exhale powerfully. Repeat this 3-5 times.

Part III
Immediately sit straight. Look at the Lotus Point, the tip of the nose. Become totally calm, absolutely still. Meditate for 2-3 minutes.

To End: Inhale and hold the breath for 30 seconds as you physically move and rotate your body as if it is going through spasms. Every muscle must be stretched, squeezed and turned around, from the muscles in your face, head and neck, down to your toes. Exhale. Repeat this 3 more times. Then inhale, sit calmly and concentrate on the tip of your nose for 20 seconds. Exhale, and relax. Done!

Keeping the heart healthy: The Result

Sat Naam! So, the experiment with doing regular running daily has had real benefits and my heart is definitely healthier in just a month. I'm fascinated at the difference in my health so rapidly! I can run on average for 15 - 20 minutes now and without too much exhaustion. The longest I've so far run for is 25 minutes, and that was pushing all my boundaries, but then again, God loves to push my boundaries!

Running is such a beautiful thing. Absolute freedom! And afterwards I'm sweating all over, which is such a good feeling (without trying to sound too much like a Hippie!). I now understand the privilege of having legs to run with. Some people don't have legs, so having legs is a privilege. By running I'm honouring my heart, my legs, my body, I'm respecting the fact they serve me so well and so I should keep them in good shape. That's the least I can do - keep them in good shape! I owe it to them to keep them in good shape. It's Ang Sang Waheguru.

And also, I'm discovering the importance of the mind whilst running. It becomes either a big barrier or a big support depending on how it's wired up. If I hadn't actively developed the capacity of my mind, this running business would have stopped long before. Even whilst running, I have a constant consciousness about the thoughts running through my mind - if you can pardon the pun. As I run, thoughts run too. As I run faster, thoughts run faster too. Since the mind is connected intimately to the breath. But, if a person does not know how to process the thoughts, then that person will not be able to persevere in anything. It's so important, for those who do sports or martial arts, to also develop the capacity of the mind and everyday clear it.

At the moment I'm doing a meditation called Gun Patee, to make the impossible possible, for 31 minutes in the evening before I go to sleep. All my successes in running have been due to this meditation. For those who want to join me in practising this meditation, below are the instructions modified from the KRI Library of Teachings website.

Please Note: The website displays an incorrect version of Gunpati Kriya. The KRI approved version can be found here.


This beautiful and powerful meditation has a history in its name. The ancient symbol for this was the Hindu God of Knowledge and Happiness, Ganesha. The other name for Ganesha is Gunpati or Ganpati. Ganesha was depicted as a rotund man with the head of an elephant. This huge body balances and rides on a rat, conveying the message that even the impossible can be done with this meditation. The rat represents the quality of penetration. A rat can get in almost any place. So Ganesha can know anything and can get past any blockages.

Wisdom and wise choices grant you happiness in your life. The impact of this meditation is to clear the blocks from your own karma. Each of us has three regions of life to conquer: The past which is recorded in our samskaras and which brings us the challenges and blessings of fate are balanced by these sounds; the present which must be mastered by karma yoga, the practice of action with integrity in the moment; and the future, recorded in the ether and, which at its best and most fulfilled, is called dharma. This kriya allows you to let go of the attachments to the mind and to the impact of past actions so you can create and live a fulfilled life and a perfect future.

How To Do It
Sit with legs crossed on the floor (easy pose), or in a chair with feet flat and a straight spine with the chin slightly tucked in towards the chest (light jalandhar bandh). Elbows straight, wrists resting on knees. The eyes are 1/10th open, concentrating at the Third Eye Point, which is at the roof of the nose between the two physical eyebrows.

The mantra that we will be using is Sa-Ta-Na-Ma-Ra-Ma-Da-Sa-Sa-Sey-Soh-Hung. The mantra is chanted in the following way:
Sa: Press the thumb to the index finger.
Ta: Press the thumb to the second finger.
Na: Press the thumb to the ring finger.
Ma: Press the thumb to the baby finger.

Ra: Press the thumb to the index finger.
Ma: Press the thumb to the second finger.
Da: Press the thumb to the ring finger.
Sa: Press the thumb to the baby finger.

Sa: Press the thumb to the index finger.
Sey: Press the thumb to the second finger.
Soh: Press the thumb to the ring finger.
Hung: Press the thumb to the baby finger.

There are three parts to this kriya:
Part I
Chant the mantra on a single breath, as you press the fingertips sequentially with each syllable. Use a monotone voice or use the same melody you would use for Kirtan Kriya. The eyes are 1/10th open. Concentrate at the Third Eye Point.

Time: Continue for 11-62 minutes.

Part II
Inhale deeply and hold the breath. Move the body in a slow twist and stretch motion. Move each muscle of the body. Move the head, torso, arms, back, belly and hands. Then exhale powerfully. Repeat this 3-5 times.

Part III
Immediately sit straight. Look at the Lotus Point, the tip of the nose. Become totally calm, absolutely still. Meditate for 2-3 minutes.

To End: Inhale and hold the breath for 30 seconds as you physically move and rotate your body as if it is going through spasms. Every muscle must be stretched, squeezed and turned around, from the muscles in your face, head and neck, down to your toes. Exhale. Repeat this 3 more times. Then inhale, sit calmly and concentrate on the tip of your nose for 20 seconds. Exhale, and relax. Done!

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Having: The only thing there is to do today is what you do today

Article by Werner Erhard

The only thing you are going to do today is: what you do today. Therefore, the only thing there is to do today is: what you do today. That’s all there was to do when you started no matter what you thought or think.


Most people go around thinking that what there is to do today is all that stuff that there is to do, that is to say, everything that isn’t done. This is a lie. This lie leads to stupidity. This stupidity leads to ineffectiveness. The ineffectiveness leads to fewer results being produced, leaving, apparently, more to be done. And there you have the downward spiral which is unworkability. The only thing there is to do today is: what you actually do today! There is nothing else to do today! You get it? There isn’t anything to do today except what you actually do. That’s all there is to do today. Do you get it? If you do actually get it, you should feel the muscles in your body begin to relax. A sense of freedom and power begins to well up within you.

Now, you want to go to work, get to it, get at it, get it done. And here you have the upward spiral which is workability.

But what are you going to do about all the things you aren’t going to get to today, the things you aren’t going to do today? What about all the things that haven’t gotten done, the things that aren’t getting done, the new things that will come up to be done, the things that need to be done, the things that must be done. What about all that? Huh?

The only thing there is to do today is: what you actually do today! There is nothing else to do today! EVERYTHING ELSE THAT YOU THINK YOU HAVE TO DO TODAY IS ACTUALLY, SOMETHING TO HAVE.


Having is actually a function of being able to be in the presence of. Specifically, the context of having is the ability to be in the presence of. To have starts with the willingness for something to exist, to recognize it, to accept it. It goes through a scale of greater and greater responsibility up to owning or creating or sourcing. So having starts with the willingness to know about, to be aware of, to acknowledge the existence of, to recognize, to allow to be.

If something comes along that you don’t have the time or the wherewithal to do, the natural inclination is to reject it, to resist it. (For instance, one form of resistance is constructing an explanation or justification for not doing it.) Resisting it, rejecting it makes you smaller than it, and puts you in a mode of unworkability. Now you can’t even ably accomplish what you did have the time and the wherewithal to do.

The secret of maintaining a condition of workability is to recognize that what comes along, what comes up, what you’re given, is, at first, only something to have. Having it starts out with accepting it, recognizing its existence.

It’s simple and straightforward – you allow it to be; it allows you to be. Actually, it expands your being, who you are is expanded by encompassing – giving being to – something new, something more. The context of workability is expanded because who you are is expanded.


When there is a lot of grumbling and mumbling, criticism, nattering, and pettiness amongst a staff, when that is the underlying basis for interaction among a staff, it’s a sure sign that people’s ability to have is lacking. People complain and gossip when they have not developed the ability to have – the ability to ­be in the presence of.

What we are not able to be in the presence of, we handle by reducing. We have to reduce it, belittle it, be critical of it, make it small. Although we usually fail to notice it, the action we take to make it smaller makes us smaller. Another alternative is that we become unconscious about it. We drive it out of awareness so that it is no longer there for us. The action of becoming unconscious about it also reduces us.

The result of not being able to have is withdrawal and/or unconsciousness. When we cannot have something, we must either drive it out of awareness, or criticize it so as to reduce, or natter so as to invalidate. The whole business of invalidation, suppression, criticism, nattering, complaining and the like is a function of not being able to have. And not being able to have is often a function of misidentifying what there is to do.

What there is to do today is what you will have gotten done when the day is over, and nothing more. The rest is something to have. If you can allow the rest of it to be, i.e., be conscious of it, accept it, it will allow you to be. Otherwise it threatens you, and you either have to resist it or see yourself as smaller than it by comparison.


What happens when something new, for example, an opportunity to create something that’s never existed before is presented to you? Sometimes, initially, the opportunity is easy to accept and even support. It is, until you realize that you have to make it happen. Then you notice that your view shifts. You immediately get into resistance – “I’ve already got too much to do. I can’t take on more.”

You start to belittle and to make it a problem or an unwanted annoyance – “I hate to participate. Things never work. People are too disorganized and besides, the whole thing is all screwed up.”

You begin to develop a system of justifications for your resistance – “This isn’t the right time for this to happen. I have too many other important things to do right now.”

If, however, you see the opportunity as something to have you will notice that the quality of your relationship to it shifts instantly. If you can say to yourself, “I can have this. I can allow it to be and be in its presence,” then you can see its value.

If you can relate to it as something that you are willing to have exist, something with which you are willing to exist, then you can support it. You can then have something and see it for what it is, be with it as it is, and allow it to succeed out of your support.


All of this insight about what there is to do and what there is to have can be made invalid by using the information to survive, i.e., justify, explain, avoid responsibility for. A jargonistic response “I can have that” is almost a sure signal that someone is attempting to avoid responsibility for the accomplishment of something, for producing a result.

On the other hand, if you can confront something new to do, first as something to have, then the expansion of Self that has occurred should result, where
appropriate, in your being able to say “you can count on me for that result.”

When there is something to be done, people don’t care that you can have it. Having it is only the first step. Having it is a way of empowering yourself so that you can produce the result without overwhelm or struggle.


The truth of the matter is that the job around here is to make the world work – not just to get one particular job done; not to do the training, or produce the event, or operate the console, or type the transcript, or manage the center, or handle the enrollments. The job is to make the world work for everyone. That’s what there is for all of us in the organization to do. In order to do that job, the kind of people we need are people who possess an enormous tolerance for having, people who are able to expand to have it all.


There is a potential for an unbelievable breakthrough here. Miracles will occur by your being willing to have. The areas in which you have been withdrawing will now begin to open up and you will begin to open up. The things about which you have been unconscious will now become apparent and your consciousness will expand. You will find that the ability to have will increase your productivity miraculously. There will still be the same number of hours in the day and you won’t be putting in any more time, yet you’ll be getting more done.

A part of my routine each day, for example, is to go over all the things I’m not going to do – to know about them, experience them, be with them – have them. You actually need to discipline yourself to look at what you’re not doing. You have it. It’s an active, willful, intentional thing. To have something is very intentional.


Decide what it is you are going to do today, write it down – then do it. If you don’t get it all done by the end of the day, complete it by writing what is undone on your list to do tomorrow. The only thing you are going to do today is what you do today. Relax. Go for it. Do it all, Have it all, with joy.

Having: The only thing there is to do today is what you do today

Article by Werner Erhard

The only thing you are going to do today is: what you do today. Therefore, the only thing there is to do today is: what you do today. That’s all there was to do when you started no matter what you thought or think.


Most people go around thinking that what there is to do today is all that stuff that there is to do, that is to say, everything that isn’t done. This is a lie. This lie leads to stupidity. This stupidity leads to ineffectiveness. The ineffectiveness leads to fewer results being produced, leaving, apparently, more to be done. And there you have the downward spiral which is unworkability. The only thing there is to do today is: what you actually do today! There is nothing else to do today! You get it? There isn’t anything to do today except what you actually do. That’s all there is to do today. Do you get it? If you do actually get it, you should feel the muscles in your body begin to relax. A sense of freedom and power begins to well up within you.

Now, you want to go to work, get to it, get at it, get it done. And here you have the upward spiral which is workability.

But what are you going to do about all the things you aren’t going to get to today, the things you aren’t going to do today? What about all the things that haven’t gotten done, the things that aren’t getting done, the new things that will come up to be done, the things that need to be done, the things that must be done. What about all that? Huh?

The only thing there is to do today is: what you actually do today! There is nothing else to do today! EVERYTHING ELSE THAT YOU THINK YOU HAVE TO DO TODAY IS ACTUALLY, SOMETHING TO HAVE.


Having is actually a function of being able to be in the presence of. Specifically, the context of having is the ability to be in the presence of. To have starts with the willingness for something to exist, to recognize it, to accept it. It goes through a scale of greater and greater responsibility up to owning or creating or sourcing. So having starts with the willingness to know about, to be aware of, to acknowledge the existence of, to recognize, to allow to be.

If something comes along that you don’t have the time or the wherewithal to do, the natural inclination is to reject it, to resist it. (For instance, one form of resistance is constructing an explanation or justification for not doing it.) Resisting it, rejecting it makes you smaller than it, and puts you in a mode of unworkability. Now you can’t even ably accomplish what you did have the time and the wherewithal to do.

The secret of maintaining a condition of workability is to recognize that what comes along, what comes up, what you’re given, is, at first, only something to have. Having it starts out with accepting it, recognizing its existence.

It’s simple and straightforward – you allow it to be; it allows you to be. Actually, it expands your being, who you are is expanded by encompassing – giving being to – something new, something more. The context of workability is expanded because who you are is expanded.


When there is a lot of grumbling and mumbling, criticism, nattering, and pettiness amongst a staff, when that is the underlying basis for interaction among a staff, it’s a sure sign that people’s ability to have is lacking. People complain and gossip when they have not developed the ability to have – the ability to ­be in the presence of.

What we are not able to be in the presence of, we handle by reducing. We have to reduce it, belittle it, be critical of it, make it small. Although we usually fail to notice it, the action we take to make it smaller makes us smaller. Another alternative is that we become unconscious about it. We drive it out of awareness so that it is no longer there for us. The action of becoming unconscious about it also reduces us.

The result of not being able to have is withdrawal and/or unconsciousness. When we cannot have something, we must either drive it out of awareness, or criticize it so as to reduce, or natter so as to invalidate. The whole business of invalidation, suppression, criticism, nattering, complaining and the like is a function of not being able to have. And not being able to have is often a function of misidentifying what there is to do.

What there is to do today is what you will have gotten done when the day is over, and nothing more. The rest is something to have. If you can allow the rest of it to be, i.e., be conscious of it, accept it, it will allow you to be. Otherwise it threatens you, and you either have to resist it or see yourself as smaller than it by comparison.


What happens when something new, for example, an opportunity to create something that’s never existed before is presented to you? Sometimes, initially, the opportunity is easy to accept and even support. It is, until you realize that you have to make it happen. Then you notice that your view shifts. You immediately get into resistance – “I’ve already got too much to do. I can’t take on more.”

You start to belittle and to make it a problem or an unwanted annoyance – “I hate to participate. Things never work. People are too disorganized and besides, the whole thing is all screwed up.”

You begin to develop a system of justifications for your resistance – “This isn’t the right time for this to happen. I have too many other important things to do right now.”

If, however, you see the opportunity as something to have you will notice that the quality of your relationship to it shifts instantly. If you can say to yourself, “I can have this. I can allow it to be and be in its presence,” then you can see its value.

If you can relate to it as something that you are willing to have exist, something with which you are willing to exist, then you can support it. You can then have something and see it for what it is, be with it as it is, and allow it to succeed out of your support.


All of this insight about what there is to do and what there is to have can be made invalid by using the information to survive, i.e., justify, explain, avoid responsibility for. A jargonistic response “I can have that” is almost a sure signal that someone is attempting to avoid responsibility for the accomplishment of something, for producing a result.

On the other hand, if you can confront something new to do, first as something to have, then the expansion of Self that has occurred should result, where
appropriate, in your being able to say “you can count on me for that result.”

When there is something to be done, people don’t care that you can have it. Having it is only the first step. Having it is a way of empowering yourself so that you can produce the result without overwhelm or struggle.


The truth of the matter is that the job around here is to make the world work – not just to get one particular job done; not to do the training, or produce the event, or operate the console, or type the transcript, or manage the center, or handle the enrollments. The job is to make the world work for everyone. That’s what there is for all of us in the organization to do. In order to do that job, the kind of people we need are people who possess an enormous tolerance for having, people who are able to expand to have it all.


There is a potential for an unbelievable breakthrough here. Miracles will occur by your being willing to have. The areas in which you have been withdrawing will now begin to open up and you will begin to open up. The things about which you have been unconscious will now become apparent and your consciousness will expand. You will find that the ability to have will increase your productivity miraculously. There will still be the same number of hours in the day and you won’t be putting in any more time, yet you’ll be getting more done.

A part of my routine each day, for example, is to go over all the things I’m not going to do – to know about them, experience them, be with them – have them. You actually need to discipline yourself to look at what you’re not doing. You have it. It’s an active, willful, intentional thing. To have something is very intentional.


Decide what it is you are going to do today, write it down – then do it. If you don’t get it all done by the end of the day, complete it by writing what is undone on your list to do tomorrow. The only thing you are going to do today is what you do today. Relax. Go for it. Do it all, Have it all, with joy.

Monday, 11 May 2009

There are no certainties in life, just probabilities

There are no certainties in life, just probabilities. The only certainty is death. Therefore, everyday what are we doing to prepare for death? Have we created a legacy to leave behind? Will we be remembered? Did we leave an impact? These are all elementary questions, to which the answer usually is 'no'. But then why not? Are we not good enough to leave a legacy, or did we choose not to be responsible for humanity? If there is one thing I have understood, it is that an ordinary human being can choose to be extraordinary. It is just a choice, either to choose that one is not good enough or to choose to leave an impact on humanity irrespective of ability. The greatest men and women who have walked this Earth have not been superhuman, but have merely chosen to let go of their excuses to make a difference. What will you choose?

There are no certainties in life, just probabilities

There are no certainties in life, just probabilities. The only certainty is death. Therefore, everyday what are we doing to prepare for death? Have we created a legacy to leave behind? Will we be remembered? Did we leave an impact? These are all elementary questions, to which the answer usually is 'no'. But then why not? Are we not good enough to leave a legacy, or did we choose not to be responsible for humanity? If there is one thing I have understood, it is that an ordinary human being can choose to be extraordinary. It is just a choice, either to choose that one is not good enough or to choose to leave an impact on humanity irrespective of ability. The greatest men and women who have walked this Earth have not been superhuman, but have merely chosen to let go of their excuses to make a difference. What will you choose?

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Illusion & Reality

It is not those things which make sense which make sense, it is those things which do not make sense which make sense. The difference is in illusion and reality. Reality is reality - what is real or physical. Illusion is a mental projection or stipulation which does not correspond to linear thinking. Thus the two are mutually exclusive, opposed yet complimentary. For without illusion, reality cannot exist and without reality there is no illusion. For those who live in illusion, illusion is reality, for those who live in reality, reality is never illusion. This is the fundamental difference between the two concepts. To live in reality is to live in consciousness, to live in illusion is to live in mental intrigues of the mind. Reality gives freedom, illusion creates bondage. Reality is love, illusion is hate.

If we are to create a world of peace we must seek to address our illusions and convert them into reality, giving us a clear and neutral picture of the past, present and future.

Sat Naam.

Illusion & Reality

It is not those things which make sense which make sense, it is those things which do not make sense which make sense. The difference is in illusion and reality. Reality is reality - what is real or physical. Illusion is a mental projection or stipulation which does not correspond to linear thinking. Thus the two are mutually exclusive, opposed yet complimentary. For without illusion, reality cannot exist and without reality there is no illusion. For those who live in illusion, illusion is reality, for those who live in reality, reality is never illusion. This is the fundamental difference between the two concepts. To live in reality is to live in consciousness, to live in illusion is to live in mental intrigues of the mind. Reality gives freedom, illusion creates bondage. Reality is love, illusion is hate.

If we are to create a world of peace we must seek to address our illusions and convert them into reality, giving us a clear and neutral picture of the past, present and future.

Sat Naam.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

H1N1 Influenza in EspaƱola, New Mexico

Please Note: the information in this blog post is only correct as of Tuesday 6th May 2009 and will not be updated as more information becomes available.
For those coming to Summer Solstice Sadhana 2009 in EspaƱola, New Mexico (Between June 18 – June 27, 2009), I thought you may be interested to be aware of the current developing situation of H1N1 Swine Flu there. I've been keeping tabs on this from the New Mexico's Department of Health Page.

Firstly, for those who may be visiting New Mexico for the first time, New Mexico is not Mexico, where the H1N1 flu originated. New Mexico is a state of USA, whereas Mexico is a country. From each other the two places are around 2064 kilometers or 1283 miles apart (1), and so should not be confused together. New Mexico consists of 33 counties (5), and EspaƱola, where the Summer Solstice Sadhana takes place, sits between Rio Arriba County and Santa Fe County.

As of Tuesday 5th May 2009, currently in the state of New Mexico there are 3 confirmed cases of H1N1 and the New Mexico Department of Health is investigating a total of 24 probable cases (3). The 3 confirmed cases include an 18 year old male from Valencia County, and a 14 year old female and 15 year old male both from Sorocco County. All 3 of the confirmed people with the flu have since recovered (4). Thus, in the state of New Mexico no one has yet died from the virus.

The majority of the 24 probable cases are being investigated in Hidalgo County and Eddy County, totalling 15. In EspaƱola, which is in between Rio Arriba County and Santa Fe County, there are currently no probable or confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus (4).

Also, to put the H1N1 influenza into the wider context of USA, New Mexico only accounts for 0.5% of cases in USA (2). The death rate of the H1N1 influenza in USA is 2 out of 642 confirmed cases (2). In other words, 1 out of every 321 people who contract the H1N1 influenza in the USA actually die. Both of the deaths from H1N1 happened in the state of Texas (2). As a comparison, in the USA every month on average 5310 people die from pneumonia/influenza, or 63,730 annually (6).

Put into context therefore, my personal unprofessional opinion is that the H1N1 virus is not as dangerous as the media has made out and does not pose as big a threat yet as other viruses out there. Nevertheless, prevention is better than cure, and so although there are no cases of H1N1 in EspaƱola, New Mexico yet, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following guidelines to limit the spread of the virus and stop it turning into a pandemic:
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
  • Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Sat Naam.

  1. Time and
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: H1N1 Flu
  3. New Mexico Department of Health: H1N1 Influenza Resources
  4. New Mexico Department of Health: H1N1 Update 5/5/2009
  5. Wikipedia: List of Counties in New Mexico
  6. Wrong

H1N1 Influenza in EspaƱola, New Mexico

Please Note: the information in this blog post is only correct as of Tuesday 6th May 2009 and will not be updated as more information becomes available.
For those coming to Summer Solstice Sadhana 2009 in EspaƱola, New Mexico (Between June 18 – June 27, 2009), I thought you may be interested to be aware of the current developing situation of H1N1 Swine Flu there. I've been keeping tabs on this from the New Mexico's Department of Health Page.

Firstly, for those who may be visiting New Mexico for the first time, New Mexico is not Mexico, where the H1N1 flu originated. New Mexico is a state of USA, whereas Mexico is a country. From each other the two places are around 2064 kilometers or 1283 miles apart (1), and so should not be confused together. New Mexico consists of 33 counties (5), and EspaƱola, where the Summer Solstice Sadhana takes place, sits between Rio Arriba County and Santa Fe County.

As of Tuesday 5th May 2009, currently in the state of New Mexico there are 3 confirmed cases of H1N1 and the New Mexico Department of Health is investigating a total of 24 probable cases (3). The 3 confirmed cases include an 18 year old male from Valencia County, and a 14 year old female and 15 year old male both from Sorocco County. All 3 of the confirmed people with the flu have since recovered (4). Thus, in the state of New Mexico no one has yet died from the virus.

The majority of the 24 probable cases are being investigated in Hidalgo County and Eddy County, totalling 15. In EspaƱola, which is in between Rio Arriba County and Santa Fe County, there are currently no probable or confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus (4).

Also, to put the H1N1 influenza into the wider context of USA, New Mexico only accounts for 0.5% of cases in USA (2). The death rate of the H1N1 influenza in USA is 2 out of 642 confirmed cases (2). In other words, 1 out of every 321 people who contract the H1N1 influenza in the USA actually die. Both of the deaths from H1N1 happened in the state of Texas (2). As a comparison, in the USA every month on average 5310 people die from pneumonia/influenza, or 63,730 annually (6).

Put into context therefore, my personal unprofessional opinion is that the H1N1 virus is not as dangerous as the media has made out and does not pose as big a threat yet as other viruses out there. Nevertheless, prevention is better than cure, and so although there are no cases of H1N1 in EspaƱola, New Mexico yet, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following guidelines to limit the spread of the virus and stop it turning into a pandemic:
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
  • Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Sat Naam.

  1. Time and
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: H1N1 Flu
  3. New Mexico Department of Health: H1N1 Influenza Resources
  4. New Mexico Department of Health: H1N1 Update 5/5/2009
  5. Wikipedia: List of Counties in New Mexico
  6. Wrong

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Keeping the heart healthy

Recently I just started doing some running in the local park, and I've not ran for at least two years - properly at least. I have to say that I was absolutely exhausted after just 15 minutes of running non-stop and it made me realise how unhealthy I really am! I was getting blurred vision and felt quite sick - it took a few minutes to regain my composure. It's quite strange because I'm a lacto-vegetarian, I can do very difficult yoga sets and sit in meditation for an hour effortlessly, but to run for 15 minutes really is something else! For me it's been a real wake-up call, that no matter how young you are, no matter how much you meditate and do yoga, no matter how healthy your diet is, working the cardiovascular system is extremely important too - keeping the heart healthy is crucial.

I've now committed to doing at least 20-30 minutes of running everyday and after just a few days, running the same distance is getting easier and easier. It's really quite beautiful to be outside and enjoy the natural surroundings of the park, especially the trees. Whilst I'm running I'm listening to some music to keep me motivated, a bit of Aretha Franklin, Black Eyed Peas and Snatam Kaur. Whilst I'm running I try and keep focused on the mantra "Sat Naam" to avoid the mental excuses of "I can't run anymore" or "Just stop and walk for a bit" amongst many others. After finishing a run, I try and control the breath and breathe more deeply to expand the capacity of my lungs. I love it! I feel so free when I run! I can't think why I didn't start it sooner.

So, I shall keep you all updated on my progress. For now the question remains: what are you doing to keep your heart healthy? Please do not make the same mistake I did, regular exercise which works the cardiovascular system should be part of your routine. May we all remain healthy, happy and holy and keep a healthy body so we may house a healthy God. Sat Naam!

Keeping the heart healthy

Recently I just started doing some running in the local park, and I've not ran for at least two years - properly at least. I have to say that I was absolutely exhausted after just 15 minutes of running non-stop and it made me realise how unhealthy I really am! I was getting blurred vision and felt quite sick - it took a few minutes to regain my composure. It's quite strange because I'm a lacto-vegetarian, I can do very difficult yoga sets and sit in meditation for an hour effortlessly, but to run for 15 minutes really is something else! For me it's been a real wake-up call, that no matter how young you are, no matter how much you meditate and do yoga, no matter how healthy your diet is, working the cardiovascular system is extremely important too - keeping the heart healthy is crucial.

I've now committed to doing at least 20-30 minutes of running everyday and after just a few days, running the same distance is getting easier and easier. It's really quite beautiful to be outside and enjoy the natural surroundings of the park, especially the trees. Whilst I'm running I'm listening to some music to keep me motivated, a bit of Aretha Franklin, Black Eyed Peas and Snatam Kaur. Whilst I'm running I try and keep focused on the mantra "Sat Naam" to avoid the mental excuses of "I can't run anymore" or "Just stop and walk for a bit" amongst many others. After finishing a run, I try and control the breath and breathe more deeply to expand the capacity of my lungs. I love it! I feel so free when I run! I can't think why I didn't start it sooner.

So, I shall keep you all updated on my progress. For now the question remains: what are you doing to keep your heart healthy? Please do not make the same mistake I did, regular exercise which works the cardiovascular system should be part of your routine. May we all remain healthy, happy and holy and keep a healthy body so we may house a healthy God. Sat Naam!

Monday, 4 May 2009

Know yourself?

I always see people walking around with a certainty in where they are going and what they are doing. But do people really stop to think what they are doing? Personally I find it quite bizarre that we as a species assume we know what we are, but if we were ever to really stop and reflect in silence, it would reveal dimensions to ourselves we never knew even existed.

Ultimately, it is our basic goal to feel fulfilled, happy and joyous. And thus, is what we are doing everyday bringing us closer to that goal, or further away? Usually we tend to mistake those things which bring some degree of happiness as being a way to fulfilment. For example, recreational drugs, alcohol, relationships, job promotions, going on holiday, lots of money, friends and personal possessions. However, in the end these things cannot provide sustained happiness without negative side effects. For example, working hard to get a job promotion may bring lots of wealth and recognition, but the cost may be your aliveness, family time and health. Trying out recreational drugs may bring a buzz for 2 hours, but the cost is your health, time and money. All these things do bring happiness, but in order to sustain that happiness, the cost continues to multiply in its severity. Therefore, to reach the goal of happiness and to sustain it, none of these solutions are practical.

So what should we do? We should practice a tried and tested science for happiness - indeed this is what all spiritual teachers have taught, but overtime people have diluted the teachings, making it difficult to ascertain what is authentic. And so the quest for happiness lies in getting back to an original authentic science and then practising that science - such teachings are known as the eternal teachings for humankind. The eternal teachings are concerned with the heart and the head (mind).

The Heart
The heart-centre, located in the centre of the chest two and a half inches below the neck, is where God resides. God is everywhere but we can find Him in the heart. The heart-centre is an infinite source of love, joy and compassion. When people fall in love it is this centre which is activated and a person experiences bliss. Similarly, this experience gives a glimpse of the state of happiness which can be achieved through devotion to God. Devotion. There's no right or wrong way to love or worship God, so long as a person doesn't hurt others in the process. Love is love is love. Love is in sacrifice, communication and service. Sacrificing your own time to serve your higher self, communicating with God constantly through the heart-centre and serving others without intending for reward.

The Head/Mind
The mind is more precious than a diamond but treated worse than dust. The secret of the mind is that when it is clear it is as expansive as the universe and allows us to know the unknown, see the unseen and hear the unheard, but when it is dirty it makes us limited and becomes our worst enemy. All authentic spiritual practices should result in the purification of the mind's thought waves to bring it to stillness. There are many practices which do this, but one of the most effective of all in the current age is the chanting of the Name of God at the Third Eye (in between the two eyebrows) along with an awareness of the breath incoming and outgoing through the nose. Two eternal Names of God are Sat Naam (rhymes with But-Mom) meaning 'Truth is My Identity" or Wa-Hey-Guru which is an expression of complete intoxication in God.

Ultimately, it shall be God who gives us liberation through His Grace, and thus chanting the Name of God connects us back to the source of happiness and liberation. The single-pointed concentration at the Third Eye gives us direct access to our soul, so we may discover who we really are. Chanting Sat Naam gives us the power to discover the truth in all areas of our life and to control all the 5 elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether within the being to give command of our domain. Chanting Wa-Hey-Guru brings us to our origin so that we may see God in all and be intoxicated with love of God day and night, night and day, forever. These Names of God are universal and may be chanted by anyone, not just those practicing Sikh Dharma.

Until we purify the mind and connect to God in our heart, the eternal teachings explain that fulfilment is not possible. The heart and the mind are the two keys in unlocking a life of sustained happiness without negative side effects. By using these two keys it is possible to live a life free from all worry, anxiety, stress and pressure, irrespective of time, space or circumstance. If we are fortunate enough to come across an authentic science of happiness which deals with the heart and the mind, may we practice it and be fulfilled and then go on to help others find fulfillment.

Sat Naam.

Know yourself?

I always see people walking around with a certainty in where they are going and what they are doing. But do people really stop to think what they are doing? Personally I find it quite bizarre that we as a species assume we know what we are, but if we were ever to really stop and reflect in silence, it would reveal dimensions to ourselves we never knew even existed.

Ultimately, it is our basic goal to feel fulfilled, happy and joyous. And thus, is what we are doing everyday bringing us closer to that goal, or further away? Usually we tend to mistake those things which bring some degree of happiness as being a way to fulfilment. For example, recreational drugs, alcohol, relationships, job promotions, going on holiday, lots of money, friends and personal possessions. However, in the end these things cannot provide sustained happiness without negative side effects. For example, working hard to get a job promotion may bring lots of wealth and recognition, but the cost may be your aliveness, family time and health. Trying out recreational drugs may bring a buzz for 2 hours, but the cost is your health, time and money. All these things do bring happiness, but in order to sustain that happiness, the cost continues to multiply in its severity. Therefore, to reach the goal of happiness and to sustain it, none of these solutions are practical.

So what should we do? We should practice a tried and tested science for happiness - indeed this is what all spiritual teachers have taught, but overtime people have diluted the teachings, making it difficult to ascertain what is authentic. And so the quest for happiness lies in getting back to an original authentic science and then practising that science - such teachings are known as the eternal teachings for humankind. The eternal teachings are concerned with the heart and the head (mind).

The Heart
The heart-centre, located in the centre of the chest two and a half inches below the neck, is where God resides. God is everywhere but we can find Him in the heart. The heart-centre is an infinite source of love, joy and compassion. When people fall in love it is this centre which is activated and a person experiences bliss. Similarly, this experience gives a glimpse of the state of happiness which can be achieved through devotion to God. Devotion. There's no right or wrong way to love or worship God, so long as a person doesn't hurt others in the process. Love is love is love. Love is in sacrifice, communication and service. Sacrificing your own time to serve your higher self, communicating with God constantly through the heart-centre and serving others without intending for reward.

The Head/Mind
The mind is more precious than a diamond but treated worse than dust. The secret of the mind is that when it is clear it is as expansive as the universe and allows us to know the unknown, see the unseen and hear the unheard, but when it is dirty it makes us limited and becomes our worst enemy. All authentic spiritual practices should result in the purification of the mind's thought waves to bring it to stillness. There are many practices which do this, but one of the most effective of all in the current age is the chanting of the Name of God at the Third Eye (in between the two eyebrows) along with an awareness of the breath incoming and outgoing through the nose. Two eternal Names of God are Sat Naam (rhymes with But-Mom) meaning 'Truth is My Identity" or Wa-Hey-Guru which is an expression of complete intoxication in God.

Ultimately, it shall be God who gives us liberation through His Grace, and thus chanting the Name of God connects us back to the source of happiness and liberation. The single-pointed concentration at the Third Eye gives us direct access to our soul, so we may discover who we really are. Chanting Sat Naam gives us the power to discover the truth in all areas of our life and to control all the 5 elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether within the being to give command of our domain. Chanting Wa-Hey-Guru brings us to our origin so that we may see God in all and be intoxicated with love of God day and night, night and day, forever. These Names of God are universal and may be chanted by anyone, not just those practicing Sikh Dharma.

Until we purify the mind and connect to God in our heart, the eternal teachings explain that fulfilment is not possible. The heart and the mind are the two keys in unlocking a life of sustained happiness without negative side effects. By using these two keys it is possible to live a life free from all worry, anxiety, stress and pressure, irrespective of time, space or circumstance. If we are fortunate enough to come across an authentic science of happiness which deals with the heart and the mind, may we practice it and be fulfilled and then go on to help others find fulfillment.

Sat Naam.