
Monday, 4 May 2009

Know yourself?

I always see people walking around with a certainty in where they are going and what they are doing. But do people really stop to think what they are doing? Personally I find it quite bizarre that we as a species assume we know what we are, but if we were ever to really stop and reflect in silence, it would reveal dimensions to ourselves we never knew even existed.

Ultimately, it is our basic goal to feel fulfilled, happy and joyous. And thus, is what we are doing everyday bringing us closer to that goal, or further away? Usually we tend to mistake those things which bring some degree of happiness as being a way to fulfilment. For example, recreational drugs, alcohol, relationships, job promotions, going on holiday, lots of money, friends and personal possessions. However, in the end these things cannot provide sustained happiness without negative side effects. For example, working hard to get a job promotion may bring lots of wealth and recognition, but the cost may be your aliveness, family time and health. Trying out recreational drugs may bring a buzz for 2 hours, but the cost is your health, time and money. All these things do bring happiness, but in order to sustain that happiness, the cost continues to multiply in its severity. Therefore, to reach the goal of happiness and to sustain it, none of these solutions are practical.

So what should we do? We should practice a tried and tested science for happiness - indeed this is what all spiritual teachers have taught, but overtime people have diluted the teachings, making it difficult to ascertain what is authentic. And so the quest for happiness lies in getting back to an original authentic science and then practising that science - such teachings are known as the eternal teachings for humankind. The eternal teachings are concerned with the heart and the head (mind).

The Heart
The heart-centre, located in the centre of the chest two and a half inches below the neck, is where God resides. God is everywhere but we can find Him in the heart. The heart-centre is an infinite source of love, joy and compassion. When people fall in love it is this centre which is activated and a person experiences bliss. Similarly, this experience gives a glimpse of the state of happiness which can be achieved through devotion to God. Devotion. There's no right or wrong way to love or worship God, so long as a person doesn't hurt others in the process. Love is love is love. Love is in sacrifice, communication and service. Sacrificing your own time to serve your higher self, communicating with God constantly through the heart-centre and serving others without intending for reward.

The Head/Mind
The mind is more precious than a diamond but treated worse than dust. The secret of the mind is that when it is clear it is as expansive as the universe and allows us to know the unknown, see the unseen and hear the unheard, but when it is dirty it makes us limited and becomes our worst enemy. All authentic spiritual practices should result in the purification of the mind's thought waves to bring it to stillness. There are many practices which do this, but one of the most effective of all in the current age is the chanting of the Name of God at the Third Eye (in between the two eyebrows) along with an awareness of the breath incoming and outgoing through the nose. Two eternal Names of God are Sat Naam (rhymes with But-Mom) meaning 'Truth is My Identity" or Wa-Hey-Guru which is an expression of complete intoxication in God.

Ultimately, it shall be God who gives us liberation through His Grace, and thus chanting the Name of God connects us back to the source of happiness and liberation. The single-pointed concentration at the Third Eye gives us direct access to our soul, so we may discover who we really are. Chanting Sat Naam gives us the power to discover the truth in all areas of our life and to control all the 5 elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether within the being to give command of our domain. Chanting Wa-Hey-Guru brings us to our origin so that we may see God in all and be intoxicated with love of God day and night, night and day, forever. These Names of God are universal and may be chanted by anyone, not just those practicing Sikh Dharma.

Until we purify the mind and connect to God in our heart, the eternal teachings explain that fulfilment is not possible. The heart and the mind are the two keys in unlocking a life of sustained happiness without negative side effects. By using these two keys it is possible to live a life free from all worry, anxiety, stress and pressure, irrespective of time, space or circumstance. If we are fortunate enough to come across an authentic science of happiness which deals with the heart and the mind, may we practice it and be fulfilled and then go on to help others find fulfillment.

Sat Naam.

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