
Tuesday, 8 September 2009

My Thoughts on the Coming of the Age of Aquarius

Sunday, 11th of November 2012 will mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, an age of experience and wisdom. There has already been a lot written about this cataclysmic event, however I just wanted to add my three pence.

The whole story of the Aquarian Age starts with computers - the very piece of technology you're reading this article on. Computers have shrunk the world so that everyone is always connected to each other and can communicate to each other irrespective of time and space. Computers have, in other words, created a global consciousness. However, one problem is that computers are getting faster and faster, and more and more information is being processed by them and us. More information means more stress on our central nervous system. More stress on our central nervous system means more diseases and psychosis becomes prevalent, simply because our nerves are too weak and cannot process all this information.

And now for the big upcoming problem. I can predict that within the next few years the next quantum leap in computing speed will happen. Computers will be faster in a few years time than anyone could have ever imagined today; not just a few hundred times faster, but millions of times faster. This means that computers will be able to process much more information, and who will have to interpret all this information and use it? We will! But we are not wired up to be able to deal with this amount of information and therefore the whole world will go berserk within the next two generations and start seeking ways to help them 'deal' with it all.

So why would the world allow this to happen if everyone knows we cannot deal with so much information? The answer is competitive advantage. Being able to process more information is a massive competitive advantage to businesses and governments, so why would businesses not replace their fleet of 'slow' computers with the new shiny range of supercomputers? Of course they would, but no one will be able to predict the effect this will have on the people of the world. The incredible stresses which will be put upon the minds and the bodies of the people are simply unfathomable. But as soon as these computers are invented and brought to market, it will be too late. The effects of this technological advancement cannot be reversed.

You see its a catch-22 situation. Even though at work you'll be under massive amounts of stress, you cannot afford to just leave work otherwise you'll become homeless because you can't pay your mortgage. And many people will go homeless, because they are forced to leave work or go insane. The governments will not know what to do, the companies will not know what to do, the people will not know what to do. Aeroplanes will fall from the sky from information overloaded pilots, the roads will become dangerous because masses of people will just lose control of their cars since they will be too much in their thoughts, masses of people will commit suicide than deal with it all, there will be suffering and unrest everywhere, globally! It will be as if there has been a third world-war, only no-one will kill anybody else but themselves.

People will try to find a way out, but there will be no easy solutions. Millions of people will begin to practice meditation, yoga and other spiritual technologies to get back control of their minds and to flush out the subconscious thoughts. This way of life will become integrated into people's everyday life because there's no other way to deal with it all, the choice is either to do or to die. The result of this will be a transformation of the mind's of the people to a global consciousness, where everyone intuitively begins to understand everyone else at the fundamental level of Self.

This shall cause a fundamental shift in the way governments, schools, health systems and businesses worldwide are run. There will be self-sufficiency in all towns and cities, everything powered by renewable energy sources, people being kind to Mother Earth in all aspects of production and waste, and the creation of a global government which helps eliminate food and shelter suffering from across the globe. Most markets will be laissez-faire, completely uncontrolled and market-driven. Science will also transform in that there shall be a deeper understanding about the workings of the Universe and its interplay with the micro and macro consciousness, which will bring about a formula for the theory of everything. After all the pain the world will suffer at the hands of technological advancement, there shall be a profound peace which is realised upon Earth as a global movement.

With everything going on in the world today, with the global economic crisis and climate change, people have lost sight of what is coming ahead in the Age of Aquarius. These are just my thoughts, and there's nothing to prove that any of this will happen, but already we are seeing glimpses of it. Glimpses of people randomly killing themselves for no apparent reason, glimpses of new forms of quantum and optical supercomputers which promise to be much faster than anything we can imagine, and also the increasing mass of people both young and old taking to drugs, alcohol and prostitution for their release of day-to-day stresses and anxieties. So if we are to expect the unexpected, the real question is, how are you preparing yourself for the Age of Aquarius?

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