
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Summer Solstice 2011 at Ram Das Puri, New Mexico

Every year summer solstice in New Mexico has been increasingly more exciting and transforming. The land of Ram Das Puri, in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, is Heaven on Earth, of that I have no doubt. The land itself is high desert, but has become increasingly greener since the last 4 years, with an upgrowth of shrubs and plants.

Ram Das Puri is not just a piece of land, it is also the most profound spiritual teacher this world has ever seen. The land itself will guide a person to breakthrough their barriers and it will grant all a person's desires and dreams. You go to Ram Das Puri with a pure intention, and you leave with more blessings and gifts you could have ever asked for.

Just to highlight the awareness and profoundness of this land, every year Ram Das Puri showed it had understood the theme of the event:

  • Summer Solstice 2009 was the theme of the Water Tattva - It rained like nobody had ever seen throughout the whole Summer Solstice period
  • Summer Solstice 2010 was the theme of the Fire Tattva - It was extremely hot weather! Nearby there was also a forest fire which started just before Solstice and ended after White Tantric Yoga had just finished.
  • Summer Solstice 2011 was the theme of the Air Tattva - It was extremely windy! Winds were 50 - 60 miles per hour, many tents broke just before White Tantric Yoga and we had to all sleep in the Tantric Shelter for at least one night
Coincidence? I think not!

And all that is just what the land itself gives you, the heart-felt people who go there and the Summer Solstice event itself, including White Tantric Yoga, is all an additional bonus. The people who go to Summer Solstice Sadhana are some of the most genuine and authentic human beings on the planet, their presence itself a blessing, and their eyes shine with awareness. There are many profound teachers that come every year to share the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and the art of self-realisation. If all that wasn't enough, White Tantric Yoga is the final nail in the coffin for our destructive patterns, subconscious blocks and inauthentic behaviour - it is the most powerful yoga system on the planet.

So all in all, the ingredients which go into the Summer Solstice Sadhana create such a tasty cake, that it's undeniably irresistible and at the very least, keeps me going back every year.

So, please put this event into your future for Summer 2012 which will be the theme of the Ether Tattva - that will not be something you want to miss! All the info is at

Sat Naam.

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