
Saturday, 2 July 2011

Transcend Suffering & Become Enlightened

If you can understand the above quote, you'll easily transcend your individual suffering and become enlightened.

The secret within this quote is to question what our anchor in life is? Is our anchor a friend? Is it money? Is our anchor an object? Is it a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Is it our parents? Is it God? Is it a supreme being? An anchor can be anything we hold on to which makes us feel happy, loved, significant.

Most likely our anchor is external to us, even if it is God, it may still be a concept which is external to us. This external anchor, this faith which we have put into other people and things, is the cause of suffering because everything external to us changes. People can pass away. Things can pass away. Everything external to us is always changing, and this change itself brings rise to uncertainty, and human beings suffer when things are uncertain because uncertain things can never our full expectations.

The key to conquering life therefore lies in (1) getting rid of our expectations about people and things and (2) anchoring ourselves within our own selves, our own heart, our own identity. IDENTITY. Who are you really? Really you are a being who is immortal, unchanging, permanent. You are love, you are joy, you are bliss. When you remember who you are, and always keep it in mind, then you anchor into yourself and your life becomes full of love, joy and bliss in an instant.

Anchor into your unchanging nature which is your true identity. Sat Naam.

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