
Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Completion of 40 Days of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

Today (1st of February 2010), I have successfully completed 40 days of 31 minutes of Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, which is the first 40 day meditation I have ever completed - a true milestone in my life! There have been many challenges along the way and events happening that have tried to interrupt my meditation practice, but I have always been able to move around the circumstances and do my meditation more or less at 9:15pm every day for 40 days. It certainly required commitment, but it was not difficult to follow this commitment through as I might have imagined previously.

Initially doing this meditation, or more correctly this kriya, was very difficult especially due to the extended period of holding the breath along with the pumping of the navel point. It gave me a thumping headache, I felt sick and I felt I was not able to breathe in enough oxygen! However after about three days it became much easier, and throughout the 40 days has become increasingly easier and natural to breathe in this way.

Sodarshan Chakra Kriya has put me into various meditative states both during the meditation and afterwards whilst going to sleep. Towards the middle of the 40 day period there were a number of occasions of altered states of consciousness during sleep, a more aware type of sleep. Also, there was a number of occasions of 'dreaming the world into existence' in which a very conscious dream is had about the future but there is a freedom to change the events of the future and bring that change back into the present moment (which is not the same as dreaming about the future). Towards the end of the 40 day period I have been increasingly absorbed into the meditation without any thoughts distracting my attention, which I believe is the purpose or goal of Sodarshan - to become crystal-clear minded (not that I'm quite there yet!). Overall, the main effect of Sodarshan on me has been a heightened intuition during the day.

I thoroughly recommend everyone to do 40 days of this kriya for 31 minutes, it generates a lot of inner heat, it is very calming and gives heightened intuition. Also, it is good for those who enjoy a physical challenge and wish to commit to a substantial meditation.

Sat Naam.


  1. Sat Nam! Thank you for posting this milestone. Waheguru!

  2. Jasdeep Hari Bhajan6 February 2010 at 18:17

    I was not aware of your chakra books, but I shall read all of them! Thank you for posting.


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