
Saturday, 29 May 2010

So many things can fill the hole

So many things can fill the hole.  Some for only a moment, some for longer.  Even when it is filled, we know on some level, it is only a temporary filling.

How does it get filled?  Do we fill it ourselves, intentionally?

We have the power to fill it, but not always to un-fill it.  If we give ourselves the complete power, to fill, realise it is temporary and complete acceptance, then there are no surprises.

If my relationship with another fills the hole, I fill it.  Not them.  I fill it with the love that I feel for them.  The things that I do, through that love, fill the hole.  They may leave.  But since I filled it, not them, the ability to fill the hole is not lost.  I can still fill it.  It was filled through love.  The love I have for myself can fill the hole in the same way.

Hole filled, am I complete?

I feel aware of the limitations; the temporary filling can be lost in an instant.

So the hole is not filled.  I just told myself it was.  I tricked my mind.  Or my mind tricked me.

What if I have the ability to accept and observe my mind?  I accept what it creates a temporary filling.  Accept the feelings it brings.  Accept the knowing it is temporary.  Accept the instant when the filling is lost.  If I observe this cycle, and remain unabsorbed, I give myself the power to simply observe the hurt or pain of the lost filling.  It is not really felt, since there was no trickery.  I knew it was to come back at some instant.

So with the power to control the filling of the hole, the ability to accept and observe cycle after cycle, there is always a hole.

The fillings are all temporary.

Unless the filling itself is Infinite.

By Rubinder Kaur

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