
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Experiment to Stop Wave-Collapse Occuring

The experiment I thought up this morning to prove my thoughts on stopping wave-collapse from occurring by eliminating the mind and its notions, would be to do a large-scale study. The study would involve trying to stop the wave collapse from occurring by the observer dissolving their mind and notions (if even for a moment). This is very easy to do and anyone can do it. Below is my experiment but the observer must not be told about what to expect from the experiment i.e. no notions should be added to the observer. The observer must be briefed that all that they have known in their life is not relevant to the experiment and thus to just be in the present moment without any ideas about what is the purpose of it. The observer must also be told that if thoughts come, not to fight them in any way, just to observe them and then continue to come back to being present to gazing. Within 30 minutes of doing this properly, the wave function should not collapse and infinity should emerge:

"Have a dimly lighted room - bright enough to see one's body but not the surrounding environment - this is to eliminate distractions. Next, the observer sits on the floor in cross-legged position or in a chair in a relaxed posture - having the chair may become a distraction in which case the floor is a better alternative. Finally, the observer must drop all their notions about reality and drop their mind - this is done by simply looking with a fixed gaze just at the floor towards the feet. Simply looking with a fixed gaze for around 30 minutes, trying not to blink".

This is a bit like a modern meditation but ultimately would prove or disprove the hypothesis that the observer's mind and notions cause wave collapse to occur and that wave collapse can be stopped at the quantum level by eliminating the mind and its notions at the macro level.

Try this experiment for yourself and let us know what your results are!

Edit 05/11/2010 - This experiment would not really prove anything since nothing is testable, but instead would give a subjective experience. Also, infinity cannot be defined, and anything which cannot be defined cannot be tested. There are many academic studies which prove at best that during meditation chemical changes are occurring in the brain, including activating the pituitary glad and the pre-frontal lobes - however this is as far as it goes. The rest must be left to subjective experience.

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