
Monday, 31 January 2011

Quote of the Day - Child, Soldier & Saint

"Be as innocent as a child, as disciplined as soldier and as graceful as a saint"

By Guru's Grace

Quote of the Day - Child, Soldier & Saint

"Be as innocent as a child, as disciplined as soldier and as graceful as a saint"

By Guru's Grace

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Quote of the Day - Love

"Even our physical structure seems more suited to feelings of love and compassion. We can see how a calm, affectionate, wholesome state of mind benefits our health and physical well-being. Conversely, feelings of frustration, fear, agitation, and anger can be destructive to our health. This is why we are impelled to seek happiness."

Dalai Lama

Quote of the Day - Love

"Even our physical structure seems more suited to feelings of love and compassion. We can see how a calm, affectionate, wholesome state of mind benefits our health and physical well-being. Conversely, feelings of frustration, fear, agitation, and anger can be destructive to our health. This is why we are impelled to seek happiness."

Dalai Lama

Thursday, 20 January 2011

3 Clichés To Live By

1. Something is better than nothing
I hold the view that putting something out there for people to test or play with is much better than waiting till its perfect. Perfection rarely occurs. So putting something out there really is better than nothing out there. This is why BETA (testing) products are very attractive, users love to take things apart and love to have the opportunity to experiment with something new, even if its clunky.

2. You can only do your best
If you always do your best, then there's never any feeling of disappointment. Even if other people are disappointed in you, who cares what other people think anyway? If YOU know you did your best, then you can hold your head high and admit that you could have done no better. But of course, do not use this as an excuse to not deliver, always be willing to learn something new and raise the bar.

3. Everything is inside you
I like to think of this in two ways. First, you already have EVERYTHING you will ever need to do what you want. See, you MAY need a lot of money which you don't have to accomplish something, but what you have inside you is perseverance or persistence which you can use to attain whatever you want. Only YOU can decide when to stop being persistent, otherwise by being persistent you can accomplish anything even when you face every kind of problem in your path. You have the ability to be persistent, now it's time to use it! Secondly, you should always continue to develop your ways of being. Like "being persistent", there are many thousands of other ways of being to master. A few beautiful ones are: "being kind", "being truthful" and even "being unstoppable". Experiment with different ways of being to get different results, its free, its completely in your control and its all inside of you.

3 Clichés To Live By

1. Something is better than nothing
I hold the view that putting something out there for people to test or play with is much better than waiting till its perfect. Perfection rarely occurs. So putting something out there really is better than nothing out there. This is why BETA (testing) products are very attractive, users love to take things apart and love to have the opportunity to experiment with something new, even if its clunky.

2. You can only do your best
If you always do your best, then there's never any feeling of disappointment. Even if other people are disappointed in you, who cares what other people think anyway? If YOU know you did your best, then you can hold your head high and admit that you could have done no better. But of course, do not use this as an excuse to not deliver, always be willing to learn something new and raise the bar.

3. Everything is inside you
I like to think of this in two ways. First, you already have EVERYTHING you will ever need to do what you want. See, you MAY need a lot of money which you don't have to accomplish something, but what you have inside you is perseverance or persistence which you can use to attain whatever you want. Only YOU can decide when to stop being persistent, otherwise by being persistent you can accomplish anything even when you face every kind of problem in your path. You have the ability to be persistent, now it's time to use it! Secondly, you should always continue to develop your ways of being. Like "being persistent", there are many thousands of other ways of being to master. A few beautiful ones are: "being kind", "being truthful" and even "being unstoppable". Experiment with different ways of being to get different results, its free, its completely in your control and its all inside of you.

Become Lost in the Cosmos

There comes a time in a person's spiritual journey where even the simple act of taking a breath is enough to send you beyond your body, beyond space, beyond time, beyond life itself into the great void of existence, the nothingness, the spacelessness.

In this nothingness, you simply exist as consciousness, without any memory of who you are, where you are or what you are - just an awareness, a consciousness is left. In a single moment everything dissolves, fades to nothing, and one becomes lost in the cosmos. Just lost completely. How can one know where one is if one is lost? Is this God-consciousness? I cannot say. Is this Universal-consciousness? I do not know.

All I know is that there is more to life than meets the eyes and there are places within our own mind which are waiting to be discovered. And that's just the mind, the heart is a different story :).

"Tongue-tied and mesmerised, I yearn for my Beloved Lord, Spellbound and mystified, I’ve become lost in the cosmos." ~ Spiritual Poetry: A Disciple's Journey, I’ve Searched All The Seven Seas, p.42

So, why not have a stab at exploring your inner Universe which is waiting to be discovered? Maybe you'll find a place you've never been before.

Become Lost in the Cosmos

There comes a time in a person's spiritual journey where even the simple act of taking a breath is enough to send you beyond your body, beyond space, beyond time, beyond life itself into the great void of existence, the nothingness, the spacelessness.

In this nothingness, you simply exist as consciousness, without any memory of who you are, where you are or what you are - just an awareness, a consciousness is left. In a single moment everything dissolves, fades to nothing, and one becomes lost in the cosmos. Just lost completely. How can one know where one is if one is lost? Is this God-consciousness? I cannot say. Is this Universal-consciousness? I do not know.

All I know is that there is more to life than meets the eyes and there are places within our own mind which are waiting to be discovered. And that's just the mind, the heart is a different story :).

"Tongue-tied and mesmerised, I yearn for my Beloved Lord, Spellbound and mystified, I’ve become lost in the cosmos." ~ Spiritual Poetry: A Disciple's Journey, I’ve Searched All The Seven Seas, p.42

So, why not have a stab at exploring your inner Universe which is waiting to be discovered? Maybe you'll find a place you've never been before.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Quote of the Day - Osho on Religion

‎"Before a child even asks a question, you stuff his head with an answer. That is a basic and major crime of all the religions."


Quote of the Day - Osho on Religion

‎"Before a child even asks a question, you stuff his head with an answer. That is a basic and major crime of all the religions."


Monday, 17 January 2011

Gregg Branden on the Heart Field

Gregg Branden on the Heart Field

Quote of the Day - Humility

"In contemporary life, humility is more important than ever. The more successful we become, both as individuals and as a family, through our development of science and technology, the more essential it becomes to preserve humility. For the greater our material achievements, the more vulnerable we become to pride and arrogance."

- Dalai Lama

Quote of the Day - Humility

"In contemporary life, humility is more important than ever. The more successful we become, both as individuals and as a family, through our development of science and technology, the more essential it becomes to preserve humility. For the greater our material achievements, the more vulnerable we become to pride and arrogance."

- Dalai Lama

Friday, 14 January 2011

2011 Directory of Meditation and Personal Development Organisations Worldwide

For some time I've wanted to compile a list of all the spiritual, yoga, meditation and personal development organisations out there which have effective and tried-and-tested techniques for spiritual and personal growth - and also GOOD RESULTS from those techniques.

With the help of Umisha Gheewala (Freelance Graphics Designer), Kshitij Gheewala (Founder of Bringing Being into Business) and Tony Lenart (International Chairman & Senior Trainer - Institute of Advanced Leadership), all of whom who have had extensive experience in meditation, spirituality and personal development, we have compiled the web's first 2011 Directory of Meditation and Personal Development Organisations Worldwide.

Obviously, we can't recommend any one of these and you try them at your own risk, but they are there for you to explore and enjoy. What's more is that you are bound to find one which you feel comfortable with and which is in your local area.

I've now added a permanent page at the top of this blog called "2011 Directory of Meditation & Personal Development" so you can always find this at hand!

If you find any errors or wish to make additions to the directory please feel free to send me an email (jasdeep -at- or leave a comment and we can keep it up-to-date together.

Do enjoy and explore the variety of meditation and personal development organisations which can help to expand your being...

Download 2011 Directory of Meditation & Personal Development as PDF

View 2011 Directory of Meditation & Personal Development in Full Screen. Alternatively, please see below:

2011 Directory of Meditation and Personal Development Organisations Worldwide

For some time I've wanted to compile a list of all the spiritual, yoga, meditation and personal development organisations out there which have effective and tried-and-tested techniques for spiritual and personal growth - and also GOOD RESULTS from those techniques.

With the help of Umisha Gheewala (Freelance Graphics Designer), Kshitij Gheewala (Founder of Bringing Being into Business) and Tony Lenart (International Chairman & Senior Trainer - Institute of Advanced Leadership), all of whom who have had extensive experience in meditation, spirituality and personal development, we have compiled the web's first 2011 Directory of Meditation and Personal Development Organisations Worldwide.

Obviously, we can't recommend any one of these and you try them at your own risk, but they are there for you to explore and enjoy. What's more is that you are bound to find one which you feel comfortable with and which is in your local area.

I've now added a permanent page at the top of this blog called "2011 Directory of Meditation & Personal Development" so you can always find this at hand!

If you find any errors or wish to make additions to the directory please feel free to send me an email (jasdeep -at- or leave a comment and we can keep it up-to-date together.

Do enjoy and explore the variety of meditation and personal development organisations which can help to expand your being...

Download 2011 Directory of Meditation & Personal Development as PDF

View 2011 Directory of Meditation & Personal Development in Full Screen. Alternatively, please see below:

Thursday, 13 January 2011

10 Rules for Being Human

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.
2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a fulltime informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."
4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive there are lessons to be learned.
6. "There" is no better than "here." When your "there" has become a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."
7. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.
8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
9. Your answers lie inside you. The answer to life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
10. This will often be forgotten, only to be remembered again.

By Cherie Carter-Scott

10 Rules for Being Human

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.
2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a fulltime informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."
4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.
5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive there are lessons to be learned.
6. "There" is no better than "here." When your "there" has become a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."
7. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.
8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.
9. Your answers lie inside you. The answer to life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
10. This will often be forgotten, only to be remembered again.

By Cherie Carter-Scott

Thursday, 6 January 2011

How to make decisions in life?

Sometimes I write to explain. Today I'm writing to express.

It's always an interesting decision. Do we go with what other people who we love and respect are telling us, or do we follow our own gut, our own mind. What about if both decisions are in direct conflict? If we follow our own mind, we run the risk of denying the sound advice of our elders and then making big mistakes which we're fully responsible for. If we follow those who we love and respect, we run the risk of not choosing our own life and living in regret.

How does one decide what is the right or wrong thing to do? Is there such thing as making a right decision or a wrong decision? Some decisions cause us a lot of pain and create confusion, create wild emotions within us. Are such decisions wrong because of their effects on ourselves and others? Some decisions create harmony, peace, tranquillity. But are such decisions right, or are they just 'playing it safe?' and living an ordinary life within one's comfort zone?

Today, all these questions besiege me because I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I've had the courage to venture out to discover a life completely free from the past. But with this discovery and freedom there is a price to pay. The price is the potential of loosing my values, my self-respect, those things which ground me. In a way, by venturing out beyond what is normal or ordinary, I am going back on everything I have built up so far, everything I have carefully crafted and designed, leaving it all behind. The price is potentially loosing everything, even myself.

But I have made a decision. My decision is that venturing out too far to a point of loosing all values, compassion and grace IS too far. Directly going against the words of those who we should trust, who are wiser than us, who have lived life - that really IS crossing the line. It's crossing the line because the word of those who are wise, our elders, our teachers, our guides usually do not have an agenda. Instead they have experience, they know where life is at and what life is about. They've made life work. Their words are true. Their words are for our ultimate benefit, our ultimate liberation (assuming you have a good teacher that is!).

So yes, I am choosing this today: Trust my heart, trust the Universe, be open in communication, be graceful, be compassionate. Let's see where this decision takes me. I'm comfortable with it.

Also, as a note to myself: Isn't it interesting how the Universe has a way of teaching a lesson? This time via an episode of Star Trek Voyager: Flesh and Blood I and II. Even if I temporarily turn my back on the Universe, or even my path, it continues to teach me compassionately. One thing I know for sure: The Guru's always got me, there's no turning back from that, once you're in His Grace, there's no turning back fortunately ;).

How to make decisions in life?

Sometimes I write to explain. Today I'm writing to express.

It's always an interesting decision. Do we go with what other people who we love and respect are telling us, or do we follow our own gut, our own mind. What about if both decisions are in direct conflict? If we follow our own mind, we run the risk of denying the sound advice of our elders and then making big mistakes which we're fully responsible for. If we follow those who we love and respect, we run the risk of not choosing our own life and living in regret.

How does one decide what is the right or wrong thing to do? Is there such thing as making a right decision or a wrong decision? Some decisions cause us a lot of pain and create confusion, create wild emotions within us. Are such decisions wrong because of their effects on ourselves and others? Some decisions create harmony, peace, tranquillity. But are such decisions right, or are they just 'playing it safe?' and living an ordinary life within one's comfort zone?

Today, all these questions besiege me because I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I've had the courage to venture out to discover a life completely free from the past. But with this discovery and freedom there is a price to pay. The price is the potential of loosing my values, my self-respect, those things which ground me. In a way, by venturing out beyond what is normal or ordinary, I am going back on everything I have built up so far, everything I have carefully crafted and designed, leaving it all behind. The price is potentially loosing everything, even myself.

But I have made a decision. My decision is that venturing out too far to a point of loosing all values, compassion and grace IS too far. Directly going against the words of those who we should trust, who are wiser than us, who have lived life - that really IS crossing the line. It's crossing the line because the word of those who are wise, our elders, our teachers, our guides usually do not have an agenda. Instead they have experience, they know where life is at and what life is about. They've made life work. Their words are true. Their words are for our ultimate benefit, our ultimate liberation (assuming you have a good teacher that is!).

So yes, I am choosing this today: Trust my heart, trust the Universe, be open in communication, be graceful, be compassionate. Let's see where this decision takes me. I'm comfortable with it.

Also, as a note to myself: Isn't it interesting how the Universe has a way of teaching a lesson? This time via an episode of Star Trek Voyager: Flesh and Blood I and II. Even if I temporarily turn my back on the Universe, or even my path, it continues to teach me compassionately. One thing I know for sure: The Guru's always got me, there's no turning back from that, once you're in His Grace, there's no turning back fortunately ;).

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Quote of the Day - Grace

"Having grace and bringing grace to all situations brings health, happiness and prosperity"

By Guru's Grace - 05/01/2011

Quote of the Day - Grace

"Having grace and bringing grace to all situations brings health, happiness and prosperity"

By Guru's Grace - 05/01/2011

Monday, 3 January 2011

Quote of the Day - Human Being

"You must earn your karma, you must earn your grace, you must earn your right to be called a human being"

By Guru's Grace

Quote of the Day - Human Being

"You must earn your karma, you must earn your grace, you must earn your right to be called a human being"

By Guru's Grace