
Thursday, 20 January 2011

Become Lost in the Cosmos

There comes a time in a person's spiritual journey where even the simple act of taking a breath is enough to send you beyond your body, beyond space, beyond time, beyond life itself into the great void of existence, the nothingness, the spacelessness.

In this nothingness, you simply exist as consciousness, without any memory of who you are, where you are or what you are - just an awareness, a consciousness is left. In a single moment everything dissolves, fades to nothing, and one becomes lost in the cosmos. Just lost completely. How can one know where one is if one is lost? Is this God-consciousness? I cannot say. Is this Universal-consciousness? I do not know.

All I know is that there is more to life than meets the eyes and there are places within our own mind which are waiting to be discovered. And that's just the mind, the heart is a different story :).

"Tongue-tied and mesmerised, I yearn for my Beloved Lord, Spellbound and mystified, I’ve become lost in the cosmos." ~ Spiritual Poetry: A Disciple's Journey, I’ve Searched All The Seven Seas, p.42

So, why not have a stab at exploring your inner Universe which is waiting to be discovered? Maybe you'll find a place you've never been before.

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