
Thursday, 20 January 2011

3 Clichés To Live By

1. Something is better than nothing
I hold the view that putting something out there for people to test or play with is much better than waiting till its perfect. Perfection rarely occurs. So putting something out there really is better than nothing out there. This is why BETA (testing) products are very attractive, users love to take things apart and love to have the opportunity to experiment with something new, even if its clunky.

2. You can only do your best
If you always do your best, then there's never any feeling of disappointment. Even if other people are disappointed in you, who cares what other people think anyway? If YOU know you did your best, then you can hold your head high and admit that you could have done no better. But of course, do not use this as an excuse to not deliver, always be willing to learn something new and raise the bar.

3. Everything is inside you
I like to think of this in two ways. First, you already have EVERYTHING you will ever need to do what you want. See, you MAY need a lot of money which you don't have to accomplish something, but what you have inside you is perseverance or persistence which you can use to attain whatever you want. Only YOU can decide when to stop being persistent, otherwise by being persistent you can accomplish anything even when you face every kind of problem in your path. You have the ability to be persistent, now it's time to use it! Secondly, you should always continue to develop your ways of being. Like "being persistent", there are many thousands of other ways of being to master. A few beautiful ones are: "being kind", "being truthful" and even "being unstoppable". Experiment with different ways of being to get different results, its free, its completely in your control and its all inside of you.

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