
Saturday, 14 May 2011

Daily Hukamnama for 14th of May 2011

"One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Raag Soohee, Chhant, First Mehl, Fourth House: The One who created the world, watches over it; He enjoins the people of the world to their tasks. Your gifts, O Lord, illuminate the heart, and the moon casts its light on the body. The moon glows, by the Lord's gift, and the darkness of suffering is taken away. The marriage party of virtue looks beautiful with the Groom; He chooses His enticing bride with care. The wedding is performed with glorious splendor; He has arrived, accompanied by the vibrations of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds. The One who created the world, watches over it; He enjoins the people of the world to their tasks. ||1|| I am a sacrifice to my pure friends, the immaculate Saints. This body is attached to them, and we have shared our minds. We have shared our minds - how could I forget those friends? Seeing them brings joy to my heart; I keep them clasped to my soul. They have all virtues and merits, forever and ever; they have no demerits or faults at all. I am a sacrifice to my pure friends, the immaculate Saints. ||2|| One who has a basket of fragrant virtues, should enjoy its fragrance. If my friends have virtues, I will share in them. Let us form a partnership, and share our virtues; let us abandon our faults, and walk on the Path. Let us wear our virtues like silk clothes; let us decorate ourselves, and enter the arena. Let us speak of goodness, wherever we go and sit; let us skim off the Ambrosial Nectar, and drink it in. One who has a basket of fragrant virtues, should enjoy its fragrance. ||3|| He Himself acts; unto whom should we complain? No one else does anything. Go ahead and complain to Him, if He makes a mistake. If He makes a mistake, go ahead and complain to Him; but how can the Creator Himself make a mistake? He sees, He hears, and without our asking, without our begging, He gives His gifts. The Great Giver, the Architect of the Universe, gives His gifts. O Nanak, He is the True Lord. He Himself acts; unto whom should we complain? No one else does anything. ||4||1||4||"

Ang 765, 766 • Guru Nanak Dev Ji • Raag Soohee • Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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