
Friday, 10 June 2011

Transformation Happens In an Instant

"Transformation always happens in an instant and is never longer than an instant" - Werner Erhard

One moment we can be asleep, and the next moment we can be aware - of that we have no control. It's partly about being on a path of self-development and wanting to transform ourselves, and its partly about having some grace by a higher being, a higher order, a greater power. Half effort and half grace. We must put in the effort and grace will eventually come through.

Everything is possible! That should be the mantra of the new age. Everything is possible! The moment we stop believing this, is the moment we fall and become depressed. We can get through our challenges, no matter how vast they may be, and we can become everything we dream to be, worry-free, beautiful and effective. The moment we stop believing this, is the moment we descend and become ineffectual.

By the way, falling is not a problem, the ego is. The ego easily turns true happiness into misery. The ego easily turns true love into attachment. The ego easily turns freedom into chaos and numbness. But the question is how to break the ego so that we may SEE?

We cannot control it, the more we try to control, the more we're exercising our ego. The more we try and reach somewhere, the more we're preying into the hands of the ego. The more we try and make things happen, the more risk there is the ego being involved. We can simply work on ourselves continually, going through each of the layers. Peeling away our inauthentic behaviour just like an onion. Never stop working on yourself! Work on yourself continually. Grow. Expand. Radiate! Everyday. Everyday.

Even if its just a very little everyday, every little counts towards a transformational STEP-CHANGE in consciousness. And it will happen, you must believe this, and in a moment you were one thing and now you'll be another thing, but that another thing is the ever-lasting, unchanging, immortal YOU. It's your origin, who you always were but forgot, it's who you'll always be if you continue to remember. Continue to remember your origin, your true identify, your true self before all of life's conditioning and you shall be FREE FOREVER. Freedom is your birthright, choice is your master, life is your teacher and bliss is your destiny.

Start today my friends, start a series of incremental, small changes. Start walking the path of self realisation, self development as honestly as you can. Do not look for transformation, it will happen of its own accord, all you can do is request it. It will happen. Sooner or later, my dear friends, it will happen - in an instant.

Sat Naam.

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