
Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Consciously Conscious Consistently

Your focus determines your consciousness. For example, if tomorrow I decide to start-up a business then all the opportunities for starting a business will come to me. However, it’s not that the opportunities come, they actually are always there in existence, but by focussing on that opportunity an awareness about it arises which allows one to see the opportunity. In other words, more poetically, from blindness about starting a business comes sight.

Similarly, when one is blind about reality, sight is gained through focusing on the core essence of the human being – consciousness itself. Through consciously focussing upon consciousness, we expand in consciousness. Just like when two mirrors face each other, infinite mirrors may be seen within the mirror, similarly consciousness has the unique property of being able to analyse itself and go within itself to find out how infinite it is within itself.

By being negative about negativity, you lose the game of life. By being positive about positivity you lose the game of life. The game of life is won by being consciously conscious consistently.

So in summary, whatever you focus on, you become or you find – thus to win the game of life you must become conscious about consciousness consistently so that you expand in consciousness day-by-day, moment-by-moment. To be conscious is to live, to be subconscious is to survive, to be unconscious is to die.

By Guru’s Grace, Completed 01/11/2009

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