
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Spirituality in Pictures

Bhagat Kabir Ji

 The Buddha

Durga Mata - The Mother Goddess

Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Jesus Christ

Mahaavtar Shiva Goraksha Babaji

Osho Rajneesh

Swami Prabhupada

Sai Baba

Sant Kirpal Singh

Shiva Bala Yogi

Yogi Bhajan

Spirituality in Pictures

Bhagat Kabir Ji

 The Buddha

Durga Mata - The Mother Goddess

Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Jesus Christ

Mahaavtar Shiva Goraksha Babaji

Osho Rajneesh

Swami Prabhupada

Sai Baba

Sant Kirpal Singh

Shiva Bala Yogi

Yogi Bhajan

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Quote of the Day - Happiness

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.

Charles Spurgeon

Quote of the Day - Happiness

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.

Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Summer Solstice 2011 at Ram Das Puri, New Mexico

Every year summer solstice in New Mexico has been increasingly more exciting and transforming. The land of Ram Das Puri, in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, is Heaven on Earth, of that I have no doubt. The land itself is high desert, but has become increasingly greener since the last 4 years, with an upgrowth of shrubs and plants.

Ram Das Puri is not just a piece of land, it is also the most profound spiritual teacher this world has ever seen. The land itself will guide a person to breakthrough their barriers and it will grant all a person's desires and dreams. You go to Ram Das Puri with a pure intention, and you leave with more blessings and gifts you could have ever asked for.

Just to highlight the awareness and profoundness of this land, every year Ram Das Puri showed it had understood the theme of the event:

  • Summer Solstice 2009 was the theme of the Water Tattva - It rained like nobody had ever seen throughout the whole Summer Solstice period
  • Summer Solstice 2010 was the theme of the Fire Tattva - It was extremely hot weather! Nearby there was also a forest fire which started just before Solstice and ended after White Tantric Yoga had just finished.
  • Summer Solstice 2011 was the theme of the Air Tattva - It was extremely windy! Winds were 50 - 60 miles per hour, many tents broke just before White Tantric Yoga and we had to all sleep in the Tantric Shelter for at least one night
Coincidence? I think not!

And all that is just what the land itself gives you, the heart-felt people who go there and the Summer Solstice event itself, including White Tantric Yoga, is all an additional bonus. The people who go to Summer Solstice Sadhana are some of the most genuine and authentic human beings on the planet, their presence itself a blessing, and their eyes shine with awareness. There are many profound teachers that come every year to share the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and the art of self-realisation. If all that wasn't enough, White Tantric Yoga is the final nail in the coffin for our destructive patterns, subconscious blocks and inauthentic behaviour - it is the most powerful yoga system on the planet.

So all in all, the ingredients which go into the Summer Solstice Sadhana create such a tasty cake, that it's undeniably irresistible and at the very least, keeps me going back every year.

So, please put this event into your future for Summer 2012 which will be the theme of the Ether Tattva - that will not be something you want to miss! All the info is at

Sat Naam.

Summer Solstice 2011 at Ram Das Puri, New Mexico

Every year summer solstice in New Mexico has been increasingly more exciting and transforming. The land of Ram Das Puri, in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, is Heaven on Earth, of that I have no doubt. The land itself is high desert, but has become increasingly greener since the last 4 years, with an upgrowth of shrubs and plants.

Ram Das Puri is not just a piece of land, it is also the most profound spiritual teacher this world has ever seen. The land itself will guide a person to breakthrough their barriers and it will grant all a person's desires and dreams. You go to Ram Das Puri with a pure intention, and you leave with more blessings and gifts you could have ever asked for.

Just to highlight the awareness and profoundness of this land, every year Ram Das Puri showed it had understood the theme of the event:

  • Summer Solstice 2009 was the theme of the Water Tattva - It rained like nobody had ever seen throughout the whole Summer Solstice period
  • Summer Solstice 2010 was the theme of the Fire Tattva - It was extremely hot weather! Nearby there was also a forest fire which started just before Solstice and ended after White Tantric Yoga had just finished.
  • Summer Solstice 2011 was the theme of the Air Tattva - It was extremely windy! Winds were 50 - 60 miles per hour, many tents broke just before White Tantric Yoga and we had to all sleep in the Tantric Shelter for at least one night
Coincidence? I think not!

And all that is just what the land itself gives you, the heart-felt people who go there and the Summer Solstice event itself, including White Tantric Yoga, is all an additional bonus. The people who go to Summer Solstice Sadhana are some of the most genuine and authentic human beings on the planet, their presence itself a blessing, and their eyes shine with awareness. There are many profound teachers that come every year to share the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and the art of self-realisation. If all that wasn't enough, White Tantric Yoga is the final nail in the coffin for our destructive patterns, subconscious blocks and inauthentic behaviour - it is the most powerful yoga system on the planet.

So all in all, the ingredients which go into the Summer Solstice Sadhana create such a tasty cake, that it's undeniably irresistible and at the very least, keeps me going back every year.

So, please put this event into your future for Summer 2012 which will be the theme of the Ether Tattva - that will not be something you want to miss! All the info is at

Sat Naam.

Quote of the Day - History

History is important, only for us remember our origin and learn from our mistakes

By Guru's Grace - 10/06/2011

Quote of the Day - History

History is important, only for us remember our origin and learn from our mistakes

By Guru's Grace - 10/06/2011

Monday, 18 July 2011

Quote of the Day - Suffering

"If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality."

- Dan Millman - Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Quote of the Day - Suffering

"If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality."

- Dan Millman - Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Hidden Mystery by Fred Burks

In the deepest depths of you and me
In the deepest depths of we
Lies the most beautiful jewel
Shining forth eternally

Within that precious jewel
Within that priceless piece of we
Lies a time beyond all time
Lies a place beyond all space

Within that sacred source of radiance
Lies a love beyond all love
Ever so patiently

Waiting for you, waiting for me
Waiting patiently for all to see
The beauty that is you inside of me
The beauty that is me inside of thee

In the deepest depths of you and me
In the deepest depths of we
Lies the love and wisdom
Of all Eternity

Hidden Mystery by Fred Burks

Hidden Mystery by Fred Burks

In the deepest depths of you and me
In the deepest depths of we
Lies the most beautiful jewel
Shining forth eternally

Within that precious jewel
Within that priceless piece of we
Lies a time beyond all time
Lies a place beyond all space

Within that sacred source of radiance
Lies a love beyond all love
Ever so patiently

Waiting for you, waiting for me
Waiting patiently for all to see
The beauty that is you inside of me
The beauty that is me inside of thee

In the deepest depths of you and me
In the deepest depths of we
Lies the love and wisdom
Of all Eternity

Hidden Mystery by Fred Burks

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Poem by Joseph Merrick

'Tis true my form is something odd,
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.

If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind's the standard of the man.

—poem used by Joseph Merrick to end his letters, adapted from "False Greatness" by Isaac Watts

Monday, 4 July 2011

Living the Life you Deserve!

Living the Life you Deserve!
Do you feel you need a boost because life is dragging you down?
Do you feel some burden which you would like to unload?
Are you facing some seemingly impossible challenges in your life, which it would be a miracle to overcome?

Then this is a must event for you to attend:

There are only 50 places for this exclusive event, you will get a buffet lunch and tea and coffee throughout the day. We shall finish by 7pm.

Living the Life you Deserve!

Living the Life you Deserve!
Do you feel you need a boost because life is dragging you down?
Do you feel some burden which you would like to unload?
Are you facing some seemingly impossible challenges in your life, which it would be a miracle to overcome?

Then this is a must event for you to attend:

There are only 50 places for this exclusive event, you will get a buffet lunch and tea and coffee throughout the day. We shall finish by 7pm.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Want to overcome feeling depressed and numb?

The times are such that its easier to fall into the traps of depression - depression has reached its peak in spite of all our technological and material advancement - because we have failed to advance our inner-selves.

Depression is a very elusive emotion, it can hide itself very well, but ultimately feels like a weight pulling you down. Life no longer has a zeal or freedom or joy which it once had. There are still moments of joy even in depression but soon depression, numbness, emptiness takes over. Even if you have all the love, comforts and riches in the world, depression can still exist, its a numbness and emptiness to life.

Depression seems impossible to get out of, if ever you even recognise you are in depression at all! The emptiness seems like it will last forever. The emptiness is filled with other moments of anger, as you remember the relationship or the event which got you into this mess in the first place, and are just angry at that individual, God or even at the world.

Through this anger and this numbness we get a lot of comfort because we get to avoid any more pain, we get to play it safe and avoid taking any more risks, we get to feel a variety of emotions inside of us which keep us entertained, we get to feel some love from others that give pity to our situation which makes us feel significant and wanted. Because of all this safety, we get used to the depression and soon it becomes our habit. We become numb and stay numb for our whole lives. OUCH!

Well, if you're reading this and relate to this, it's time to break this cycle of depression and anger, and to start living a life of fulfilment, joy and satisfaction. In this VERY moment, you have a choice to drop the past, stand up tall and strong, tell yourself that you've had enough dose of feeling pity for yourself, its time to smile and remember the excitement you had when you were a child, it's time to take a risk again and not worry about its success or failure, it's time to regulate yourself and build yourself up, expand yourself and your mind to new possibilities.

Drop the past, let it go. Relate to it as if its just a story which happened, you've had enough of dwelling and sobbing over the emotion of it all. It's time to now create a beautiful new future, full of excitement and joy. So you made a few mistakes? Oh well, that's life isn't it? Life still goes on, we can just choose how it goes on. It does not have to go on in a depressed mood, it can go on in a joyful mood.

It's just a choice for you to make deeply, to snap out of it! Remember that you chose to be depressed (as harsh as that may sound, please contemplate the truth of this deeply), so it's equally your choice to snap out of it. It's in your hands to choose joy over depression. Remember who you are: you are love, you are joy, you are perfect. You need no other person to fill you up, you just need to remember that you are joy, and nobody can take this joy away from you because it IS YOU. It's natural for joy to spring from you like a fountain of water, because you are joy, you are love. Feel it! Really feel it in your heart! You are the SOURCE OF JOY AND LOVE ITSELF! WOW!!!

Now if you are joy, there's now a new set of possibilities that have suddenly awakened in you:

  • You can create now a future of your liking
  • You can forgive the people in your past who hurt you
  • You can make the best of your life
  • You can now enjoy your life
  • You can paint your life with joy and love everywhere
Now if you still feel depressed, email me on jasdeep |at| and I'll be happy to work with you on a one-to-one basis to get your life back on track so you can start living the life you deserve!

Sat Naam - Truth Is Your Identity.

Want to overcome feeling depressed and numb?

The times are such that its easier to fall into the traps of depression - depression has reached its peak in spite of all our technological and material advancement - because we have failed to advance our inner-selves.

Depression is a very elusive emotion, it can hide itself very well, but ultimately feels like a weight pulling you down. Life no longer has a zeal or freedom or joy which it once had. There are still moments of joy even in depression but soon depression, numbness, emptiness takes over. Even if you have all the love, comforts and riches in the world, depression can still exist, its a numbness and emptiness to life.

Depression seems impossible to get out of, if ever you even recognise you are in depression at all! The emptiness seems like it will last forever. The emptiness is filled with other moments of anger, as you remember the relationship or the event which got you into this mess in the first place, and are just angry at that individual, God or even at the world.

Through this anger and this numbness we get a lot of comfort because we get to avoid any more pain, we get to play it safe and avoid taking any more risks, we get to feel a variety of emotions inside of us which keep us entertained, we get to feel some love from others that give pity to our situation which makes us feel significant and wanted. Because of all this safety, we get used to the depression and soon it becomes our habit. We become numb and stay numb for our whole lives. OUCH!

Well, if you're reading this and relate to this, it's time to break this cycle of depression and anger, and to start living a life of fulfilment, joy and satisfaction. In this VERY moment, you have a choice to drop the past, stand up tall and strong, tell yourself that you've had enough dose of feeling pity for yourself, its time to smile and remember the excitement you had when you were a child, it's time to take a risk again and not worry about its success or failure, it's time to regulate yourself and build yourself up, expand yourself and your mind to new possibilities.

Drop the past, let it go. Relate to it as if its just a story which happened, you've had enough of dwelling and sobbing over the emotion of it all. It's time to now create a beautiful new future, full of excitement and joy. So you made a few mistakes? Oh well, that's life isn't it? Life still goes on, we can just choose how it goes on. It does not have to go on in a depressed mood, it can go on in a joyful mood.

It's just a choice for you to make deeply, to snap out of it! Remember that you chose to be depressed (as harsh as that may sound, please contemplate the truth of this deeply), so it's equally your choice to snap out of it. It's in your hands to choose joy over depression. Remember who you are: you are love, you are joy, you are perfect. You need no other person to fill you up, you just need to remember that you are joy, and nobody can take this joy away from you because it IS YOU. It's natural for joy to spring from you like a fountain of water, because you are joy, you are love. Feel it! Really feel it in your heart! You are the SOURCE OF JOY AND LOVE ITSELF! WOW!!!

Now if you are joy, there's now a new set of possibilities that have suddenly awakened in you:

  • You can create now a future of your liking
  • You can forgive the people in your past who hurt you
  • You can make the best of your life
  • You can now enjoy your life
  • You can paint your life with joy and love everywhere
Now if you still feel depressed, email me on jasdeep |at| and I'll be happy to work with you on a one-to-one basis to get your life back on track so you can start living the life you deserve!

Sat Naam - Truth Is Your Identity.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Transcend Suffering & Become Enlightened

If you can understand the above quote, you'll easily transcend your individual suffering and become enlightened.

The secret within this quote is to question what our anchor in life is? Is our anchor a friend? Is it money? Is our anchor an object? Is it a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Is it our parents? Is it God? Is it a supreme being? An anchor can be anything we hold on to which makes us feel happy, loved, significant.

Most likely our anchor is external to us, even if it is God, it may still be a concept which is external to us. This external anchor, this faith which we have put into other people and things, is the cause of suffering because everything external to us changes. People can pass away. Things can pass away. Everything external to us is always changing, and this change itself brings rise to uncertainty, and human beings suffer when things are uncertain because uncertain things can never our full expectations.

The key to conquering life therefore lies in (1) getting rid of our expectations about people and things and (2) anchoring ourselves within our own selves, our own heart, our own identity. IDENTITY. Who are you really? Really you are a being who is immortal, unchanging, permanent. You are love, you are joy, you are bliss. When you remember who you are, and always keep it in mind, then you anchor into yourself and your life becomes full of love, joy and bliss in an instant.

Anchor into your unchanging nature which is your true identity. Sat Naam.

Transcend Suffering & Become Enlightened

If you can understand the above quote, you'll easily transcend your individual suffering and become enlightened.

The secret within this quote is to question what our anchor in life is? Is our anchor a friend? Is it money? Is our anchor an object? Is it a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Is it our parents? Is it God? Is it a supreme being? An anchor can be anything we hold on to which makes us feel happy, loved, significant.

Most likely our anchor is external to us, even if it is God, it may still be a concept which is external to us. This external anchor, this faith which we have put into other people and things, is the cause of suffering because everything external to us changes. People can pass away. Things can pass away. Everything external to us is always changing, and this change itself brings rise to uncertainty, and human beings suffer when things are uncertain because uncertain things can never our full expectations.

The key to conquering life therefore lies in (1) getting rid of our expectations about people and things and (2) anchoring ourselves within our own selves, our own heart, our own identity. IDENTITY. Who are you really? Really you are a being who is immortal, unchanging, permanent. You are love, you are joy, you are bliss. When you remember who you are, and always keep it in mind, then you anchor into yourself and your life becomes full of love, joy and bliss in an instant.

Anchor into your unchanging nature which is your true identity. Sat Naam.