
Saturday, 10 December 2011

3 Types of People in Life

My name's Jasdeep Hari Bhajan Singh Khalsa, and I am as much a humanist as I am a technology enthusiast. By humanism, what I mean is how to live as a human being, and by technology enthusiast, I mean I regret being born in 1988 instead of 2088.

The question of what it means to be human has pervaded the deepest parts of my psyche and my heart ever since I can remember. It's always been something I continually assess in every moment of my life. I just can't stop thinking about this topic: what makes people tick? What makes people from unfortunate circumstances successful, and what makes people from fortunate circumstances unsuccessful? What makes the poor happy with the little they have, and what makes the rich unhappy with the lot they have? It's really in the contradictions that one finds all the keys to the Universe.

It's all a mystery ultimately. I don't have the answers, and yet, that is the best answer. I don't believe that God exists, and yet I am God and God is me. I don't believe the Truth can be spoken of, and yet only in the spoken word can there be truth. By letting go, we find. By giving up God, God comes to us. Ultimately, I have come to a few key conclusions.

There are three types of people: 1. those who are too inactive/lazy. 2. those who are too proactive/action orientated. 3. those who fit into neither of those categories, but just like water adapt to both situations just as well. In Sanskrit, these three types of people are known as tamo, raja and sattva. Tamosic people are too lazy to strive for their goal. Rajistic people want to achieve their goal quickly. Sattvic people understand that they ARE the goal. I'm sorry to say, that neither Tamosic, nor Rajistic people have understood reality.

Reality is like water, since water knows itself, it can adapt to any situation - whether it requires one to be laid back or take a lead - every way is valid. On the other hand, Rajistic people are always the leaders, and they escape their emptiness, low self esteem through activity and being busy. Tamosic people believe they cannot make a difference in the world and are therefore waiting around for things to happen, letting the Rajistic people do all the work. Rajistic people get very annoyed with Tamosic people, because they think laziness is wrong. Equally though the Tamosic people think their activity is wrong because it hides their loneliness, their lack of self worth, and makes them act like they are someone they are not. Sattvic people watch all the drama of the Tamosic people and the Rajistic people and laugh at the absurdity of it all - for in reality - there is no right and wrong.

Rajistic people run all over the world trying to do something, and everyone thinks they are really successful, go-getters, all whilst the Tamosic people sit at home watching telly and eating take out food, and everyone thinks they are lazy, useless. The only way to be is no way. There are times for activity, and there are times for laziness. Each has its time. A Sattvic person recognises their inner nature, conquers their inner loneliness and lack of self worth which drives them to become either leaders or followers, understands the value of activity and non-activity, and understands that in order to understand one must not take anything seriously, especially life. That it's all alright in the end.

Sat Naam.


  1. Well said! :) Sometimes I have that experience in myself; my tamasic part sighs at my rajasic part, my rajasic part is worried at my tamasic part, and my sattvic witness just smiles and says: never mind. :D

  2. haha that is awesome Saranpreet - me too! This topic just makes me want to SCREAM because there's so much I want to say but I just can't say it in one article! It really annoys me haha!


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