
Friday 8 January 2010

Earth, Society and Our Actions - Tribute to a New Year and Decade - 2010

So we are all very familiar with the media hype about global warming, sustainable living and greenhouse gases. Yep it's definitely a problem. I think we've more or less agreed that as a world. To think that one species out of around 4-6million known species could cause an entire planet to change...that's quite a big deal. really...its not.

Nature, the eco-system, all comes down to a fairly simply concept; balance. We as the most advanced species on this planet have yet to master this. Why? Because we as individuals have not mastered it (including myself may I add). But I know someone that is absolutely amazing at it. So amazing in fact that no one really notices. That's my Mum...and most mums in fact including the mother of all mothers; Mother Earth.

Mother Earth has been nurturing and looking after itself and it's children (life on earth) for a very very long time. Sure it gets hit by an asteroid or two...and sure...some of it's species (humankind) pretty much takes advantage of it in every single way. But one thing that we misunderstand is the way it maintains it's balance.

Much can and has been said about the effects of our mistreatment of the Earth but it will maintain its balance. This doesn't mean the limits are endless but before we reach those limits what is more likely is that the shifts in balance that the Earth sees fit to make will make our situation for survival dire. What does this mean? It means we are pretty much digging our own grave/funeral pire (depending on your tradition)...the Earth will recover, but will we?

In my opinion, yes, but not as we know it. Here's a few key thoughts of what we really need to do:

Financial Systems
80% of the world's income is held by 20% of its population. It is the system that has been created and we know there are a lot of people not entirely happy with this. Yes the spread of money is not equal but that doesn't necessarily mean that a balance is not achievable. If you think 50-50 would be where the balance would be then you're probably wrong. Most people are happy with mediocrity. That's just the way it is.

What's important though is what the system stands for and how it serves others. Unfortunately, most economics is fundamentally misunderstood and Adam Smith's definition of 'Self Interest' has been turned into what we commonly call greed. Having said this, most people once they have more money than they could ever spend realise it's not the end. What they discover is it's about how you serve others. How do you achieve a balance of give and take? You give.

Our current models tell us that more is good. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) which is the sum of what everyone earns in a country should rise and rise. Umm...hold on a second. Something feels missing. Yep...that's because it is. We all KNOW there's more to how much you earn...then why measure success in this fashion. Especially when it leads to the mentality of...'we need to spend more to make more products so we can spend more'. Sometimes you need to take a hit because life is about ups and downs. Instead of following the flow of life, we resist it. Having said all this, GDP does make a simple indicator of success in that money buys quality of life. True. But, its not the only factor. Lets acknowledge it and change it. What also needs to be taken into account for success is how much of your income you give to others. This would at least create an incentive to share and spread money...especially if it is the measure of success. After all, you can only give more if you have more. Win-win.

Society and Norms
Society, Communities, Groups. None of that really exists. What really exists is the individual. But we are social creatures (well some more so than others) and we like to have a party now and again (well some more so than others). Therefore most of us do have a community, we have a certain group of people we stick to. In the last few decades, society has changed drastically. We have created huge cities of people where there were close knit villages. We have children as late as 30, and no elders in the community to teach them about what life really is or what values are. We don't know and don't have time for our neighbours. Home is now a moving concept as the world becomes smaller. Our communities have moved away from where we live.

We have to remember though, that society is relative. It is always changing, and even more rapidly now with the pace of new technology exponentially increasing. Before we know it we'll be looking at a screen all day long and (oh...wait...that's already the case).

But that all ok. Right? Well...yes and no. Yes because it's the way it is and it could not be any other way (Matrix quote). No because we can make it better if we choose to. Most people like the idea of living together in peace, having privacy but also being close to a community with genuine care and love for each other. In many places these things exist. In most places they do not.

To remain within yet detached from social norms is tricky but possible. It is what makes us individuals and what will sprout out of simple meditation. Yep, I think meditation is an absolutely critical part of being a human. It is a wholly neglected exercise. And what happens when you stop exercising? You get unhealthy. On a global level our spiritual obesity is out of control. This is definitely not healthy. If health is wealth, how can we be rich? Most rich, successful people see meditation as a critical part of their life.

It's also important to mention that meditation is a secular exercise if you wish it to be. It can also be a religious or spiritual exercise. It doesn't matter, because most importantly it is an exercise for a human being. It all kind of depends on your concept of God. If you share my understanding you'll see there is no difference in secular meditation and meditation focusing on a divine being. But let's leave that for another day. Doesn't take a genius to see what I'm getting at; let meditation be part of your daily lifestyle.

Government and Policy
In the west we have a bit of a fixation on owning assets. Nothing wrong with that. I also want a big house, nice car and maybe even a palm tree with fresh coconuts. It's all good. In fact I would take quite a liberalist approach to all this and say its in fact great. Why? Because when you own something, you take care of it. When you feel personally responsible for something you make sure it's kept well. This includes how you spend your money and is why I think 'goverments' are a bad idea. They are totally inefficient. Why? Let me explain:

  • If you buy yourself something from your own'll tend to want to get a great bargin (especially if you're indian).
  • If you spend your own money on someone else you might want to splash out a little.
  • If you spend someone else's money on yourself though, you probably won't care too much, you might even take a taxi where you might have expenses.
  • BUT, if you spend someone else's money on someone are very likely to not only splash out a little but also not care too much as long as you get what's done, done. This is the most inefficient use of money and it is exactly how a Government works.

The role of Goverment should be minimised to only Justice (courts), public sector emergency services like Fire/Police, Defence and basic health care. Nothing more is needed from a body which pretty much eats and throws money at things. Personal responsibility is king/queen. This is what should drive a community. Not an attitude of 'The politicians aren't doing a very good job are they?...oh well...hopefully this guy will do better...lets now pay our taxes to him/her'

I also feel that is would be very beneficial for spiritual leaders to have just an important role in how a government or society is run as everyone else. Spiritual masters have basically mastered being human...I am sure a sentence from these people relating to problems/dilemmas would be more meaningful than political babble. A global panel of elders meets every year on Richard Branson's Neckar Island. This is an amazing start to this concept.

Borders and Immigration
We are territorial and like our own space. Yes personal ownership is great to build personal responsibility but eventually that responsibility should come from a higher sense of purpose and respect for life and Mother Earth. In actuality no one OWNS any land. It is impossible for us to own it because it was never ours in the first place. It is Mother Earth'sand it will always be this way. We can not buy it because unfortunately the economic system that the Earth runs on does not trade in pointless paper but instead in serving others. It is perhaps one of the greatest lessons nature can teach us. Live to serve and you will be beautiful.

A lot of talk in the West has been focusing on the closing of borders and tighter immigration. It seems to be what wins votes because it makes people feel safe. Well, stop for a second. Territories and boundaries don't really exist. They are man-made. Sure, in the short term it may be necessary to close your society and defend yourself. But, lets get the aim right at least. If we want to move towards a peaceful, unified, super productive planet...then we need to be willing to open borders. If there is a huge influx of people to one area, then clearly there is either something lacking somewhere else which should be addressed or something which might be easy to take advantage of which again needs to be addressed. We need to have a long term strategy to open borders worldwide.

Yep, it will also be more efficient to have one currency and one world government. These are things we should at least aim for, to have a truly united world. If we are off aim, there must be something wrong.

Little Decisions Make Big Impacts
Last but not least it is important to remember our actions create our behaviour which in turn is a reflection of our society and therefore our world. By simply being aware of the electronic devices that are left on standby and switching them off or by becoming vegetarian for 2 days a week we can dramatically reduce our carbon footprints.

It is also important for you and I to spend our money consciously and take personal responsibility for simple things like who we bank with, what we invest in, what products we buy off shop shelves. Our money is essentially our vote. We spend on things we desire. So there are two quick winning solutions. Change what you spend on to support a more environmentally friendly lifestyle or desire fewer things. Or who knows...go crazy and do both of these things! It's strange, but the little decisions really do make big impacts.

So I know this little (long) article is loaded with personal opinions and not everything is very well explained and there's probably a few contradictions too. But hey, that's ok. Don't take it all too seriously. But, hopefully you took something away from this and perhaps it will get you to think. In summary I think we should:

  • Understand that Mother Earth is very good at keeping itself in balance, what's really at risk is humankind.
  • Change financial systems to account for money gifted to others creating a win-win senario.
  • Let meditation be part of our daily lifestyle.
  • Minimise Government
  • Have a long term strategy to unify the world by opening borders, working towards a one world currency and one world government.
Perhaps 2010 will bring us closer to some of these adventurous goals...perhaps not. Either way, I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year and Decade!
My Blessings.

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