
Sunday, 26 July 2009

Come clean for Congo: Life should be free

A very interesting video on the war in Congo, which we in the modern world are linked to. A initiative known as the The Enough Project is trying to end this war. Here is an introduction of the problem from their website:

"The deadliest war since World War II is taking place right now in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, and rape is used as a weapon in this war. Though this is taking place halfway around the world, we are directly linked to the conflict. The violence in Congo is being fueled by a multi-million dollar trade in minerals – the 3 T’s (tin, tantalum, and tungsten) - that make our cell phones and other electronics function. Over five million people have died as a result of the war. Hundreds of thousands of women have been raped."

Below is a video entry aimed to raise awareness of this campaign:

Below is a video of Congo soldiers being asked why they rape woman. Their response is very interesting:

So do we think we can make a difference? Even if the electronics companies clean-up their supply chain and only source their materials from conflict-free zones, will the rape stop? Has it stopped in our more "civilised" world where we have no war outwardly? Will it stop the inner war of people's desires being out of control and using excuses such as "magic potions" and "spending too long in the bushes" to justify rape? For me this campaign has raised more questions than shown answers, but this is good, because it's about raising awareness of these issues and if we ask the right questions we shall receive the right answers.

Sat Naam.

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