
Saturday, 25 July 2009

The Adventures of Chuppa (Part 2)

Chuppa trekked back into the woods in search of the deceased child's parents. He roamed the woods for days, searching every nook and cranny, but to no avail. He could find no such place in existence on the forest floor. Finally, he decided to stop wasting time, as it became clear to him that he had no idea where he was going, and ask for directions to the "house located behind the Great Oak."

So, Chuppa pranced on over to a friendly looking squirrel and asked her if she knew how to get to the house behind the "Great Oak."

"Will you please be quiet!" bellowed the friendly yet old squirrel. Instantly the noise from behind her faded.

The squirrel then explained that the only way to reach the house is by crossing the infamous black zone and taking the red brick road to the blue tower. From there he will need to find the signposts leading to the great oak.

Just before he left the old wise squirrel gave him a yellow stone. "Wear this when you need guidence".

With this knowledge, Chuppa set off, packed with him food, the stone, a knife and enough water for several days.

At the edge of forest, a shifty monkey jumps on Chuppa. "I heard you are going to the Great Oak, and i know a shortcut, but i'll only tell you if you let me come with you." said the monkey. Chuppa thought about it for a while...then agreed.

"The names Kermit by the way"

Kermit and Chuppa continued through the vast expanse. Kermit brought Chuppa to the foot of the Mountain of Miracles, a mountain so vast and mysterious that even the local tribesmen fear to talk of it. The mountain stood a million foot high and a thousand foot wide!

Chuppa gasped upon sight of the enormity of the Mountain of Miracles and angrily shouted at Kermit "How exactly is this a shortcut? You Ape!". Kermit retorted "I find that quite offensive, I'm no ape, I'm a monkey!".

Chuppa calmed down and asked again, "How do we cross?". Kermit replied, "The Mountain of Miracles shall take you across, but only if you believe". "Believe in what?", Chuppa queried. "Believe that you can fly", responded Kermit in a voice which was both calming and highly annoying at the same time.

Chuppa closed his eyes and willed himself to believe that he could fly. To aid him he used his MP3 Player and put on a bit of R Kelly. Before he knew it, Chuppa slowly opened his eyes only to find himself levitating 3 inches off the ground. It was a miracle! It was a mountain of a miracle!

Kermit was well rehearsed in The Skyway Code for Levitators and Alladins and gave Chuppa a grounding in the rules of flying before they set off over the mountain.

Eventually they were high in the sky and from the air there could be seen many magical creatures down below, who have wondered the Mountain of Miracles for centuries, in the pursuit of the Great Oak of Knowledge. It is said, that only one in every four creatures ever find the Great Oak of Knowledge. The other 3 usually freeze to life.

After 14 days and nights of flying non-stop, Chuppa and Kermit eventually crossed the black zone, red brick road and the blue tower before arriving at the Great Oak of Knowledge. The Oak was inlaid with diamonds and on it grew apples of gold, silver and potassium sulphate...(to be continued)...

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