
Thursday, 16 December 2010

10 Quick Ways to Increase Your Happiness

smiley face
Here are 10 quick ways to increase your happiness - by no means an exhaustive list, nor in any particular order. If you have some more better ways, feel free to share in the comments :)...

(1) Retail therapy
In America, if you go into a mall they usually have a regular announcement that "Shopping is good for you. It has been shown to make you lose weight and make you happier". That's probably because a lot of Americans are obese - but get the flavor (notice the lack of 'u'). Also, online shopping isn't the same - go into a store, have a coffee, window shop!

(2) Take a cold shower
Known as hydrotherapy, most athletes take cold showers to increase blood flow to all the parts of their body. Plus, sometimes the intense pain of cold water can make you burst out laughing because all your parts are frozen, yes ALL your parts (but don't worry - it's just momentarily!)

(3) Go swimming
The scientists say water is meant to be good for you, so why not swim in it? Also, regular swimming makes you pee more often, purging your body of unnecessary things and thus making you healthier which makes you happier - it's a long shot - but I think it works!

(4) Go for a run
Running makes you sweat, therefore lose water. So its the complete opposite to No. 3, but for some reason still has the same effect. Try it, try running a mile and hopefully if you don't pass out you'll be able to enjoy the sudden rush of adrenaline.

tasty desert
(5) Eat your favourite desert
I like chocolate and sometimes I eat it for breakfast. You only live once so why not!? (assuming you're not Buddhist - in which case you might live a bit longer than that). Eating a desert gives you a nice feeling inside. Besides, if there is a God, why would he create such nice deserts and put them in out local Tescos if we weren't meant to eat them? It's not like the forbidden tree or anything? A bit of gluttony never hurt anybody (except maybe those that are diabetic or American)

(6) Help somebody
It's good to help people, apparently. It makes you feel good because then you know they need you and it puts you in a position of power, which boosts your ego, which makes you feel good. So yeah. You should help people :).

(7) Donate to charity
Most people donate to charity because they cannot be bothered to do the charity work themselves. So why not pay off some big charities to do your dirty work? Its like outsourcing No. 6.

apple ipad
(8) Find a hobby
Most people are boring - so finding a hobby may add to your social life - give you something to talk about. Some people talk too much, but don't have any hobbies, so then you can finally shut them up by saying "I have a hobby XYZ, what do you do?". And then they will say "Oh...I.....I...I...". And then you can just say "Hahahahahhahaha", and then walk off.

(9) Read a book
Its good to read, apparently. Reading is not just for geeks, its also for geeks with IPads and Kindles. Reading makes you more intellectual, which gives you more questions and makes you more confused than you were before. It's a bit like telling a centipede to start thinking about how to walk, he forgets and then falls over. So, in conclusion: it's good to read.

(10) Watch Ali G videos
The G in Ali G actually stands for God. Also, thanks to my Uncle Google, all the episodes are now available on my Counsin's small website called YouTube:

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