
Friday, 3 December 2010

Becoming Enlightened

I sometimes find it hard to put into words what it means to be enlightened and liberated. There comes a time on the spiritual path when one has this realisation, that there is no need to do anything to be enlightened, it is rather the undoing of everything that makes one enlightened.

I can openly, easily tell you: I'm liberated, I'm enlightened. I know it. It's just a realisation. It doesn't really mean anything though, doesn't really make much difference. The only difference is that being enlightened, I don't have to struggle with life, life just works because I'm not going against its flow. I can handle it. Not being enlightened means always struggling towards some goal, aim, perfection and never achieving it and then feeling guilty your whole damn life. The saying "running like a headless chicken" comes to mind. But you see, even if you're enlightened, you're still an idiot. If you're not enlightened, you're just a bigger idiot. In the world, we have a lot of big idiots. Majority of people are big idiots running around like headless chickens. I'm not sure how a chicken runs without a head, this appears to defy all logic, but you get the gist of the quote, I hope.

One is always an idiot, because one can never know The Truth. No matter how enlightened one is, one can never know The Truth. Perhaps there is no such thing. Perhaps not. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Perhaps. Perhaps. I love that word, it has a ring to it.

One can only know a truth, their own truth, their own selves. That's it. That's where is finishes. This is because all our five senses are flawed, they give us incorrect impressions about life and existence. Even the sixth sense is flawed, its open to error. Also, we're only 3 dimensional beings - we can't understand the other dimensions - we can't understand what wider organism or existence we are a part of.

One idiot creates a theory, that the Universe is X, Y, Z. It'll always be a theory. No maths is sufficient to explain the Universe. No science or physics is sufficient to explain it, neither is any philosophy or any religion. Everything is either interpretation or assumption. It's all flawed. Yes, we've worked out some rules which make cars run and propel rockets into space, but ultimately nothing is absolute. Laws change. The universe changes. There is a constant flow which cannot be captured by any formula. A formula is static. Existence is changing.

When one dissolves all their notions, one can just simply be themselves. Just simply be, without "having" to be something, or "needing" to do anything or thinking that one "should" do something. Without being driven towards any aim, any goal, any standard. The emotions are there, but there is no fight towards them. It's not anything but a choice, albeit a courageous choice. Doesn't matter what the emotions are, however disturbing or not disturbing, there's no fight and there's no running away from them. It's not anything but a choice. Just let go of it. Drop it. Simply choose to be.

The process of enlightenment is simply the process of learning to experiment with your emotions. Meditation is just experimentation. You get to experiment with what's in your head, in your conscious, subconscious, in your unconscious, in your super-conscious. Then after you know it, you have no fight or flight towards it. You give you those beliefs or ideas which go against your biology, against the needs of your body, and you simply learn to be. You become very human, very normal, very down-to-earth. You become innocent, and you know you're innocent. You become simple. You become uncomplicated. You become open to all views, even those that directly oppose yours. You stop reacting against idiotic people, you learn to accept them. You stop reacting against your parents.

Even if you come across a real bitch, or a bastard, you learn to accept them as a part of yourself. The bitch that you see, is just a projection of the bitch in you. The pretty girl that you see, is just a projection of the pretty girl in you. The ugly person that you see, is the ugly person in you. You learn to not invest your emotions in anybody, not your family, not your friends, not God, not your teacher, not spiritual angels, nor the devil. You learn to be alone, not needing anybody, not needing anything. Simply being alone, happy, content, joyful.

Osho, in the video below, describes the same kind of process I myself went through to become enlightened. I was just as strict with my routine, getting up at 4am without fail each day. Having a cold shower. Doing hours of meditation. Everything timed perfectly. Everything considered. Everything disciplined. Until a time comes, when one must let go of everything. And I mean everything, including your religion, your spirituality, your views, your God. It's all something which you think you "should" do or think. You don't realise it is just something which you have been led to believe is important, but really nothing is important by itself, unless you chose to give it importance. One must destroy everything one has created, every concept, in order to be left with nothing but nothingness, zero, nothing but one's own aloneness, one's own self without desiring anything, including God. Enlightenment is not something, but quite the opposite, it's nothing:

Osho - The Day I Became Enlightened from arun prem rajasingh on Vimeo.

P.S. I'm now changing the tagline of this blog from "A blog about how to become a better human being day-by-day, moment-by-moment" to "A blog about how to be human in each moment, everyday", which better reflects its purpose to allow people to learn to be, rather than aiming towards something or trying to be be something.


  1. Sat Nam.

    This is interesting. Thank you.

    I'd just like to add that discipline is not to become enlightened. That is the old way when the consciousness was very dense. It helped contain the mind to be receptive to Grace through the Master but, even then, there was no guarantee.

    However, discipline does have a value.It gives you skills to deal with yourself: your mind energies, your lust-anger-greed-pride-attachment energies based in your lower chakras. You need this containment to live a graceful life.

  2. Jasdeep H.B.S. Khalsa4 December 2010 at 21:52

    Sat Nam :). Yes, you're right ji - discipline sometimes isn't to become enlightened, it's just to maintain oneself. But I was certainly using it to become enlightened, I wanted so much to see God with ever fibre of my being, it was my sole purpose in life.

    And I do see the usefulness in having a discipline (to maintain the body), but its not something which is required to maintain the mind's energies. That's just something you've been taught, but its not true. You need nothing to live gracefully except choosing to do so. Choice is stronger than all the world's meditative practices. This is what I've come to find anyway.

    Thank you for your lovely comments - I really do appreciate it when people take time to comment.


  3. Jasdeep H.B.S. Khalsa6 December 2010 at 23:16

    Also, apologies if I came across a bit rude or rash, I just wanted you to see how I see it. Everything I say is of course ALSO not the truth, its merely just another perspective, and didn't people have different requirements so there's usually no one right answer :).

    Sat Naam.

  4. Thank you for the follow up.

    Choice is great if it is conscious. However much of our mind's energies - sometimes more than 80% - are from subconscious patterns. They are real and can consume a person without a meditative discipline.

    These can manifest as fears, phobias, obsessions, blind spots. Even if a person is 'enlightened' these is still much of this karma to balance in a lifetime.

    How do you deal with this aspect of your mind?

    Sat Nam.

  5. Jasdeep H.B.S. Khalsa10 December 2010 at 13:05

    Dharm Kaur, the great irony I found was that the very act of "trying" to deal with the subconscious mind, makes it go wild. Because whatever resists, persists.

    Control of the subconscious mind comes when there is no fight against it or running away from it. Essentially a high level of self-acceptance is required to accept all the nonsense in the subconscious. Then it begins to listen to the conscious mind, then no more rioting - that's the moment of "enlightenment".

  6. Thanks for your explanation, Ji

    And how about the blind spots? When you don't know you don't know. How do you 'be' with this aspect of the mind?

  7. Jasdeep H.B.S. Khalsa11 December 2010 at 16:53

    You're welcome ji.

    Well, I personally believe there's nothing to 'be' with because there will always be blind spots since life is in constant flux, so one must accept this aspect of nature that one will always be blind to some extent.

    We can never know THE truth, just our own individual truth as it unfolds within ourselves. The ultimate truth will always be a mystery, so there's no point in trying to understand it or even experience it, its too far beyond us, its a mystery.

    Even if we know a bit of the unknown, we can't know the extent of the unknown - because its unknown! :)


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