
Monday, 5 September 2011

Movable Cities

In the ancient native cultures, a piece of land was only lived on for a short period of time before the tribesmen would decide to move away from it so to allow the land to regenerate itself.

It seems to me, after travelling through the UK, US, Canada and Europe, that there is plenty of land which is under-utilised. Modern society should take a lesson from the ancients socities that walked this Earth, and we should for the future create movable cities.

The idea of a movable or mobile home is already in existence, so why not a movable city? Where an entire city is relocated to another area temporarily in order to allow the Earth to regenerate itself. This would create the necessary flow in order for us to restore our balance with nature, and in the future this I feel will become a possibility and a necessity. Of course, unlike mobile homes, you cannot move entire buildings, or the city infrastructure of transportation, sewage, water and gas, but you could relocate to another place that has some more basic infrastructure in place which is sufficient for a short period of time.

It also seems to me that if any city was deserted for even a short period of time, it would probably begin to look more like a forest in no time at all, as nature is alive and wishes to grow and expand just like we do. We should stop and allow nature time to expand itself and regenerate itself. I feel this idea of movable cities will become more common as we become more in touch with our true nature, and transform into a conscious modern society of using more natural products, minimising waste, recycling everything, using renewable energy sources and preserving our Earth together.

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