
Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Humility is an Underrated State of Being

Humility is an underrated state of being. Most people prefer to be dominating, wanting everything their own way, having lots of expectations, complaining frequently about things which are wrong, expressing anger towards colleagues, friends, family, parents, children and just wallowing in their own negativity, thinking that they are superior to other people or at least, going out to try and impress other people. Ultimately, a lot of people do not really care or think about their impact on the world or the people around them even if they have the best of intentions. A lot of people in this world are selfish, egotistical and too demanding, irrespective of whether they have developed themselves spiritually. So, humility is really an underrated state of being.

To be humble, one must find within themselves pure kindness, sweetness, truthfulness and innocence - and once found continue to remember and use these beautiful qualities on a daily basis. A humble person is kind towards all living and non-living beings, an insect has as much right to exist as the rock on the shore. A humble person rarely talks harshly, harshness comes from a lack of consciousness, and instead their words are extremely sweet and pleasant to listen to. A humble person is truthful and has transcended all their games, manipulations and trying to influence or impress people no matter how 'high' or 'low' the other person may be. A humble person is just childlike, playful, expresses their emotions freely and holds no grudges. Humility is certainly an underrated state of being.

A humble person has no need to tell anybody what to do or how to live their life and does not demand from anybody to treat them in any special or particular way. A humble person does not feel the need to show off what they are good at or to even self-judge what they are bad at. A humble person is a person of prayer, of love and of silence. A humble person loves to serve, and has no conflict against being served. A humble person has no need to be right, or to always express their opinion. Humility is an underrated state of being.

The Sikh Gurus deserve a special mention here, although I know they would not want a mention, I feel they really taught humility like no other religious prophet has. Ego has poisoned many religions of the world, and although many religions aspire for reaching God and the spiritual realms, and perhaps even to some extent succeed, I have personally seen that the ego still poisons their lives - they begin to think they are right, hold the only truth and hold the monopoly on God. They begin to ridicule other religions and try to prove how their religion is better and superior to others. Humility is an underrated state of being.

Spiritual and religious people perhaps have the biggest egos of them all, since they are aspiring for the highest peak and status of human experience - God - and can get easily caught up in the illusion that they have made it. The irony is that they have just begun to climb the mountain, and that the remaining mountain can only be seen through a humble perspective where one lowers oneself to the feet of the Universe and all its creation. The Universe then automatically raises that human being to the peak of the mountain. Humility is an underrated state of being.

The final climb to the summit is not possible to climb, but rather one must give up the desire to climb the mountain, one must realise that one is inadequate to complete the journey, one must realise that one needs help and support from some force far greater and more beautiful than us - the force of the Eternal Guru. Thus, the summit is reached not by wanting to get there, but by not wanting to get there and asking humbly for support and help in our journey. Once the illusion of a destination is removed from the mind, only the journey remains, a journey which is supported by the Universe and which is lived in the present moment. Humility is an underrated state of being.

Humility is an underrated state of being. Humility is an underrated state of being. Humility is an underrated state of being. Humility is an underrated state of being.

Sat Naam.

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