
Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Techniques to Experience God Quickly!

So you're looking for God? In fact, you want to see God as fast as possible because your love to see the Beloved Lord is overflowing? Well, you came to the right place! Below are my quick tips to experience God right now!
  • Meditate on the mantra "Waheguru" in three parts "Wah", "Hey" and "Guru", with your focus at the Third Eye point between the eyebrows at the root of the nose. After 11 minutes you'll be done! Sit in silence and feel the vibration of the meditation. That's God!
  • Close your eyes, now begin to imagine yourself slowly expanding to become the universe. You are the universe and the universe is you! Feel every cell of your body begin to merge into the entire universe. Now feel that you are merely a speck in the universe so infinite. Just a speck in the entire vastness of the universe! Stay in this feeling, then slowly return to the present moment. Smile. That's God!
  • Look into the eyes of a human being or animal near you. Look at the vast Godly potential in that human being. The kindness, the sincerity, the eagerness to understand what they are. Now consider that the person you are looking at is actually you. There is no difference between you and them, you are them! Be in this feeling for a moment. That's God!
Ok so maybe some of you are looking for more longer-term solutions. Well below is the creme-de-la-creme of all spiritual and personal development technologies that I have come across:
I think this should keep you all busy for a few lifetimes ;)...

Sat Naam.

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