
Sunday, 15 March 2009

Using Love as a Gateway to Higher Consciousness

In this video Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about the difference between lust and love, the difference between something that is unique and something which is just an object. Paramahamsa uses many stories to explain the concept of love which I found very enlightening:


  1. Sat Sri Akal ji.
    It is very easy to preach by talking and enlightening the ignorant disciples but it is very hard to follow in once own life. This so called Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda proved it by showing how Human he is.

    Guru's Bani Teaches us to follow one and only one Akalpurakh. We do mot need Human Guru When We are blessed with Guru's Bani.


  2. Guru also teaches us not to judge, so you are in no position to judge whether Paramahamsa Nithyananda is enlightened or not. Also, Guru teaches us to be the dust feet of all the Saints, and that those who criticise the Saints are worthless human beings. Please consider these teachings before you judge.

    Sat Nam,


  3. I agree with Jasdeep Hari Bhajan Ji that we ourselves are in no position to judge any one but when one shows his true self with his own actions we are not judging him/her.
    It is up to us to follow Guru's Bani or a person who call himself a saint.
    Please let me know who is a saint.


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