
Monday, 9 March 2009

First Samadhi Experience of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda

I found this video very inspiring. All those on a spiritual path should listen to this all the way through =). Sat Naam.


  1. Any one who call himself or herself a Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda and by wearing bhagwa( orange) clothes does not becomes an Enlightened soul.
    He said "live a life of living enlightenment" He does not live
    One can only Preach if one live a life of what one preaches. Talking is easy and fun.

    He proved by his own actions how human he is by wearing thick Gold Necklace and sitting on a thrown and calling himself as God. He said "live a life of living enlightenment". He proved it himself by his actions. No one need to prove it or judge him.

    A friend invited me to attend his lecture on meditation session. He did not say any thing of substance and himself did not sit to meditate. He was walking around laughing and talking to the people who were helping him put the show. His followers there were trying to sell CD, books and trying people to register for expensive workshops.

    We learn from Gurbani to have relationship with Waheguru not with an ordinary living human who call himself swami.

    I am laughing at how he is explaining relationship of disciples and himself as master, an living enlightenment.

  2. Ji, I would invite you to consider that it is your own ego which is the problem. Because of your own ego you just see him as egotistical. I'm not trying to defend him or to put you down in any way, I am just inviting you to consider this. I do not say things lightly - and I hope this post will help you to realise something profound.

    Sat Nam,


  3. Thank you Jasdeep Hari Bhajan ji, I do not consider my self as a perfect person. I will try my best to work on my shortcomings with my faith in Guru's Bani.

    I am just commenting on what I heard and what I saw. May be it is my Shortcomings that I cannot see him as an enlightened person and as only an ordinary human.

    Yes, this post really help me to realize that do not put faith on any one except GuruBani.

    Watch this for yourself

    Thank you ji.

    May Waheguru Bless you.

    GuruFeteh ji.

  4. Ji, I believe you should consider your self as a perfect person, because your true identity is Sat Naam - the eternal truth. Also, I believe that everyone is enlightened if they are human - but most people today are just animals and robots.

    Regarding the videos you posted - thank you for sharing these. I was not aware of this scandal with Swami Nithyananda. However, you should know that these allegations do not change my view about him - I know he is a great Saint - I do not have any doubts.

    When you understand your mind and your heart through the Guru's Bani, you will be able to know who is a Saint and who will make you stray from the path. One sign that you have made progress is that you will stop judging others and instead only learn to judge your own heart and mind. This is very important!

    Ironically enough, Swami Nithyananda explains this whole subject very well:

    Fateh and many blessings to you.


  5. "Realization of Truth is higher than all else. Higher still is truthful living”. SGGS


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