
Friday, 13 January 2012

5 Steps to Conquering Wild Emotions

As a Cancerian, born in June, I have pretty wild emotions.

I'm empathic. I feel people's emotions.

It's a blessing, because I get to connect with people at a deeper emotional level.

It can also be a curse, because if I don't control my own emotions, I can become blind to what is really going on - as mostly I feel people's emotions to ascertain how to react to people - I see through the lens of emotion.

So here are some steps I found which help to conquer the wild tides of emotion that can upset the inner lake of stillness and joy:

Step 1 - Understand that choice is more powerful than emotion!
Emotions cannot harm us, but often we act like they are going to kill us. It is just our ACT. We pretend to ourselves, we make ourselves believe that our emotions are going to destroy us. The truth is - emotions are powerless against our choice. We have a choice of whether to act upon emotion or not. Sometimes we forget we have a choice, or the emotion feels so powerful that it seems like it leaves us with no choice, but we always have a choice.

Step 2 - Observe emotions for 24 hours
Emotions are just like waves in an ocean, they may rise up and become vast momentarily, but eventually if observed for long enough, they will crash and be gone. So whenever possible, observe emotions. The longer you observe them, the less they will become. Emotions have a short life, they are born, they live and they die usually within 24 hours ;).

Step 3 - Accept, respect & understand emotions
Every emotion has a story behind it - has a reason for being. Do not just ignore them! Instead accept them, respect them and understand them. Self acceptance here is KEY. Most people, especially spiritual people, begin to believe that its wrong to have such wild emotions. This belief only makes the emotions even more stronger! Emotions are trying to tell us something, listen to them, accept them, understand them. This requires a degree of honesty too - you have to be honest with what is really going on inside you!

Step 4 - Listen to music of the soul
Music has an inherent power: to affect our emotions. Listen to spiritual music, uplifting music, music which brings you deeper into your soul.

The best music to listen to is the Japji Sahib - the Song of the Soul - which is the destroyer of all worries, designed by Guru Nanak - the founder of Sikhism.

Step 5 - Remember who you really are
Emotions, thoughts and feelings are part of the human flesh. But we are not actually flesh, we are spirits, souls, beings of light.

Repeat this mantra:

I am love, joy and service. My innocent nature is pure, full of light, full of beauty. My true-self is untainted, immortal, all powerful, all kind, all fearless, all strength, all sweetness, all joyfulness, all playfulness, all immaculate, all everlasting, all blissful, all happiness, all laughter, all humour, all smiles, all lightness, all glorious, all service, all love, all love, all love.

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