
Monday, 5 March 2012

How To Listen to Spiritual Masters

Listening is a major human faculty which we tend to not use to its maximum.

The whole Universe is always telling us something, people are always explaining something, life is always talking to us, the trees, the birds, the environments are all alive and communicating. But how much do we really hear? How much do we really listen to?

Inside our ears there is a filter, a kind of barrier, which filters out even the purest of information and knowledge and dirties it with our opinions, our viewpoint, our mindset. No matter how much somebody may be telling us the truth, the secrets of the Universe, the keys to making our life work: we cannot hear because we are not listening.

People who do not listen in life ultimately never find their destination. Even the basis of meditation is listening to words of the enlightened teacher, the Guru, who only speaks pure words, pure knowledge which is untainted by opinions or viewpoints. However, the disciple who listens to these words should give up their own ideas about life, about God, about spirituality and the Universe in order to fully listen to and hear this pure knowledge from the Guru. This is true meditation.

Spiritual masters always speak knowledge purely and untainted by the ego. The job of the ego is to confine, to create boundaries, to make the infinite finite. Where there is no ego, there can only be discussion of the infinite and true nature of the self and the Universe.

Ordinary life is always concerned with the finite and perishable. Extraordinary life is always concerned with the infinite and indestructible.

So next time you listen to a spiritual master, withhold your own opinions, drop your chattering mind and listen to each of their words and the silence in between their words. Within both of these is the energy, the awareness, the secret to unlocking your true potential.

Sat Naam.

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