
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Vision of New Life Awakening

I have an intense feeling inside which relates to my life's vision and mission.

My primary rule in life is to never compromise who I am for anybody or anything. When a flower is in bloom who can tell it to be or smell any other way?

My mission in life is to bring spirituality to the common person, make it accessible, understandable and practical. Even whilst we are living in a highly technological, global and complex world - still spirituality must become our bedrock, our foundation, our grace because it is who we really are. It's what allows us to access our humanity.

As a result I'm going to create as many articles, books, workshops and videos to bring spirituality to the people in a form which can be used for hundreds of years to come. Well, to be honest, this is not a one man mission, but requires a whole team of like-minded people to come together and convert these old manuscripts of ancient wisdom into practical manuals for modern life, which can then be passed onto future generations.

The best thing is that, for the first time in billions of years, history will record these manuals and the process to create these manuals for all time to come. My name is unimportant. My personality is unimportant. All that matters is sharing these teachings purely. For when truth is spoken, it shines of its own accord and is recognised in value only by those who are seeking it and are open to receiving it.

Surely all that's worth the sacrifice of one human life, or for that matter, a few? ;)

With all my love and deep felt gratitude to you,


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