
Saturday, 17 March 2012

A Letter from Hargopal Kaur

From the March 2012 Library of Teachings Newsletter - Kundalini Yoga Research Institute

Sat Nam!

Have you also been searching for Infinity? Did you see which rabbit hole leads to the cosmos? And who are our guides?

"There are only two teachers: time or your teacher." 1 

Guided by time or teacher! Hmmm. Time can be a very hard task master. And there are so many rabbit holes to explore.

"Teachings are teachings whether I give them or you give them. It isn't the teacher who is important, it's the teachings. The teachings are pure, and they have been passed on purely and they will continue to be pure." 2 

Whether you met Yogi Bhajan in the flesh or not, he is still teaching us-through  Kundalini Yoga and meditation, through his students, through his students' students, and through his teachings. And he always seems to know which rabbit hole to take, or perhaps it's just knowing which rabbit holes to avoid.

"Teaching is not done to get money and sell the teachings. Teaching is done to keep the teachings going. It is not for your sakes. You are just the instrument for listening. But our children, our grandchildren, and great grandchildren will be grateful that we left the knowledge for them." 3 

We have all heard of the power of the word. Have you experienced it? Yogi Bhajan shared with us that

"A spiritual teacher has simple rules in life: obey, serve, love and excel. It is a direct route." 4 

Have you experienced this direct route or does the rabbit hole have a lot of turns and dead ends?

"The Golden Chain is a concept in which light flows to add to the frequency of an ordinary person to give him the power to be a Teacher. It is the red-orange colored light which is always coming out of the teacher and is always swallowed by other teachers in variance within the scope of time and space. It is continuous and unending, but those who fall in faith shall lose it. Man is a finite capacity of the Infinite which has come to consciously experience Infinity. Guru is the technology and a constant help. Through obedience to the Guru, one can reach the state of experience of Infinity. God is the Infinity in itself." 5 

Have you looked in the mirror before and after a yoga class or a meditation. Do you see that Infinity? This technology of light, of upliftment, of service, of being, of shuniya is a treasure.
Through the Library of Teachings the treasure embodied in Yogi Bhajan's teachings is being preserved, digitized, and prepared so that you can access the teachings anytime, anyplace.

With gratitude we thank you for donations that support this process. We all want it to happen yesterday. And with your help, the tomorrow in which it does happen gets closer and closer to being today.
Hargopal Kaur Khalsa
KRI Board Member

From the author's notes, December 7, 1993
 © 1979 The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Originally published in the Khalsa Women's Training Camp Notes, 1979, p 135.
 ©1985.The Radiant Body. Kundalini Research Institute: Pomona, CA, p. 64]
 ©1985.The Radiant Body. Kundalini Research Institute: Pomona, CA,, p205]
 © 1979 The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan. Originally published in the Khalsa Women's Training Camp Notes, 1978, p. 163.

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