
Sunday, 1 April 2012

Ego vs Humility

Some people are so EGOTISTICAL that they think they're humble. For me this is the most annoying type of human being which I wouldn't mind slapping around a little.

Somebody who thinks they know humility, and pretends to act all humble, when under the surface there is clearly shit hitting the fan, an over cleverness and an over righteous attitude.

Being humble is a very sacred state between an individual and the Guru, the Universe and God. Humility is in not caring what other people think, being compassionately truthful and totally AUTHENTIC. Authenticity lacks in an egomaniac. There is just an image which must be protected, an idealism, a pompous over-perfection. It really makes my blood boil sometimes! :@

A humble person is straight up, says it how it is, and yet is not doing it out of anger but instead out of integrity and truth. A humble person radiates total respect for the other, has authentic sweetness and compassion for all. Again that buzz word: authentic which can be defined as what you see is what you get.

Egotistical people like to bullshit often, sweet talk just to play games, and have an idea that they have a reputation to protect. I personally don't buy it and don't indulge in it myself. The truth is sometimes sharp and politically incorrect, but I prefer it over living a lie and covering up everything just to look good in front of people.

So there we have it - a not so comprehensive introduction to humility vs ego - but I hope you got the flavour ;)



P.S. This blog post is intentionally written in a VERY provoking style to get across the idea of "not caring what other people think". In reality what other people think is also very important, and should be balanced against the idea of not caring what people think (a complimentary contradiction in terms which shall be explained in a later article on this fascinating subject)

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