
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Time Follows Your Orders

Time follows your orders. When you say 'I don't have enough time' or 'time is too short' then time must obey your orders. Time is a being. In Sanskrit time is given the name Kal, and Kal can speak and comment on the events of the past, present and the future yet to come.

Time is bound to a human being's orders, and all other beings with consciousness. So when we say 'time is going fast', we are causing it to go fast and when we say 'time is going slow' we are causing it to go slow.

A human being often becomes a victim to their own orders and then blames time. When humans are stressed they begin to feel an urgency to do things, they panic and in their panic they say, think and feel things like 'there's no time' or 'time is running out'. Time or Kal then obeys these orders, creating a destructive loop of increasing stress and reducing time.

Therefore, whenever possible, be aware of what you order time to do or not do and it will obey your orders, your thoughts and your feelings. Remain self-aware and make Kal your friend.

Sat Naam.

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