
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Anand Sahib Brings Joy

The Anand Sahib, written by the third Sikh Guru, Guru Amar Das Ji, brings a peace, stillness and joy even if a person is in a lot of emotional or physical turmoil.

It seems strange and unintuitive at first that just 40 stanzas of poetry and song could totally transform a human being's state of mind, however, this is the reason why the Anand Sahib was formulated. Its a formula for joy. Happiness and sorrow are both temporary. Happiness is born and eventually dies. Sorrow is born and eventually dies. Buy joy is our very nature of our being, our soul.

Only a person who constantly lives as their being-self rather than their physical-self, can know how to access the being within the human being.

A human being is not a body, a human being is a being which consists of electromagnetic energy which is constantly in flux, in a vortex of sub-energies called Chakras. The human being is the total sum of these seven vortexes of energy, also known as the aura and arc line. The arc line is the membrane of the aura, which protects it from intrusion.

The Anand Sahib strengthens the arc line, expands the aura, and balances the seven Chakras and it also turns the mind inwards to focus on the being rather than all the external distractions and attachments of life. So the Anand Sahib is a solution for the mind and the being.

Don't believe me? Listen to it for yourself:

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