
Friday, 10 February 2012

Human Tendencies and Evolution of Being

Humans do not realise things usually until its too late.

Humans have a tendency to forget, to delay, to put things off.

Humans have an ego, an identity, an individuality which must be protected.

Each quality of a human being has a positive and negative outcome.

For example, the outcome of talking bluntly is that some people may not like receiving blunt advice, it hurts their ego, instead they would prefer moving at their own pace. But often if people are left to their own devices, they may not face themselves at all – due to the tendencies of human nature – to forget, to delay, to put things off.

A trade-off is therefore required.

The trade-off is to mix opposites together, to form a new mix of 'being'. Instead of talking bluntly, it can be mixed with its opposite, talking lovingly and sweetly. This forms a new type of being – a person who can talk bluntly to get through to others and tell them where they are going wrong, and at the same time, when the ego has been brought to its limit, the advice can be tempered with sweetness to massage the ego back to health, to respect the ego, to respect the individual.

Wherever possible, opposite forms of being should be mixed to create a third, more effective type with all of the positives, whilst minimising the negatives. It is these types of being which should be passed down to the next generation for further refinement., just like in genetic engineering. Overtime, with each generation of more and more effective ways of being, the human race shall be greatly enriched, happier and effective. In fact, the human race will totally transform beyond our wildest dreams into something so beautiful that it shall be the envy of the Universe.

My vision is to contribute whatever I can to bring about this new human race, this new human being. I am not alone however in my quest and nor the first to embark upon it, all the ancient sages, saints and enlightened beings have contributed to this body of work throughout time – it is the most ancient science, the first science.

My work is simply to restate the eternal teachings and shine a modern light on them to make them applicable to everyday life, understandable and actionable. To summarise the teachings which work and the ones which do not because they were bound by time and space, and have therefore expired. In other words, I am reframing the eternal teachings for the modern world.

The human heart is the most sought after commodity in the Universe, because its inherent potential to feel and experience the energy of love, is more powerful than any civilisation which has ever occurred before us. The human heart is an anomaly born out of total chaos with the potential for total harmony.

The Sikh way of life is an integral part of the formula to human harmony. The Sikh Scriptures, known as the Shabad Guru, the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, contains within its pages the music which awakens the complete potential of the human heart. No other religion before Sikhism has come up with such an effective formula for the modern world to awaken the human heart, all whilst living an ordinary human life. Sikhism is the missing piece of the puzzle for achieving world peace and a blueprint to a lifestyle which develops one's being and remains eternal in its teachings.

By Jasdeep Hari Bhajan Singh Khalsa - 09/01/2012

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