
Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Looking For More Money, Health, Love?

In this world it's easy to start to think that one is poor, lacking or does not have enough of something.

We feel unsuccessful in our lives, and success seems far away.

This is partly because we are thinking incorrectly about our life.

Instead of thinking we lack something we should start to understand that OUR LIFE HAS EVERYTHING IN IT THAT IT NEEDS. So there is no need to desire something more. It is this desire for more or better that creates a block in us receiving more or better. The irony is, that if we give up the desire for more, we start to receive more. The more we want or demand more, the less we receive.

So instead of thinking that our life lacks something, let us start to repeat the mantra "I am an abundance of love, health and wealth". Constantly repeat this mantra, believe it, embody it as the truth, that YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING. Then that what you want, you have to learn to be the source of it.

For example, if you want to be wealthy, you have to imagine that you are already wealthy and start to give away some of your money. Even if you only have a little money left, give it away to somebody even less fortunate than you are. Donate. Help others out who are in financial difficulty. Start to live like you are wealthy and that you do not lack money. This is the secret to wealth and prosperity.

Similarly, the secret to happiness is to become the source of it. The secret to health is to become the source of it. This change in mind-set should be complemented with practical changes in lifestyle. A change in mind-set is nothing without action in the real world. So act like you are love, health, wealth and happiness and these are the things will start to show up in your life. The mantra can be modified to fit your particular situation.

Sat Naam.

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