
Friday, 30 July 2010


In fear I am afraid. More than afraid. More than scared. I am closed. I shelter myself. I try to protect myself. I fight that which I fear with my head down, my eyes closed. I hope that when I open my eyes that which I fear will have gone away.

I look around now, with my eyes open, head up. I see nothing to fear.

I think. What do people fear? Uncertainty? Death? I have no fear of such things. I feel like the wind. Blown into any direction, it doesn’t really matter. Here one moment, gone another. It doesn’t really matter.

Yet I feel fear. Strong fear. Painful fear. Fear that I am unable to ignore. I try to shelter myself. I still feel it. Stabbing.

And I know it. I fear nothing but myself. I fear my mind. It is strong. It creates. It creates thoughts and on its creations I act. I make judgements, decisions, actions.

I go within myself and I find fear. Deep and dark. I can’t hide from it. It finds me. I find it.

That which I fear is that which is not True. Not True to me. Not my Truth.

That which I fear creates a pain so deep it is like I can feel it penetrating through my heart.

These creations they pierce my heart. They are not my heart. Not True to my heart.

My Truth it must be strong, since I can feel it fighting back.

Faith. I place faith in my heart. Faith it will battle to overcome the fear. Destroy the pain. Kill the fear.

Head up, eyes open. I stand tall. I stand strong. I see the world. I see myself. I am my Truth.

Sat Naam.


  1. Har Anand Kaur30 July 2010 at 16:34

    Beautiful, thank you!

  2. I enjoyed reading this sooooo much!

  3. Jasdeep Hari Bhajan31 July 2010 at 07:12

    Ruby's not at a computer right now, but I'm sure she will be extremely grateful for all your comments. Sat Naam :)

  4. Writing this came from somewhere really deep, but very apparent. It felt very personal and I didn't think it would be something others would relate to easily.

    Thank you for your comments. They remind me that my Truth contained within me, is part of the universal, infinite Truth.

    Sat Naam


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