
Wednesday, 28 July 2010

28th of July 2010 - Meri Zindagi Heh Teri Bandagi

I feel like writing, so I will. I rarely write about myself or my day because it's usually not very relevant to people or applicable at a general level - but today I want to record my state of mind so that one day when I reflect back I can assess my own state of consciousness.

Well, today is Wednesday 28th of July, Twenty-Ten, and I love my life. I love the freedom of being able to create in consciousness whatever I want. I get inspiration from many different sources - TV, videos, internet, nature, parents, friends, soulmates, God and my own mind and soul. I follow my heart, whatever it wants to do. Watch a film, watch a TV programme, play the piano, do internet stuff, drink freshly squeezed lemonade, binge on cake and chocolate, go shopping - whatever. It doesn't matter. I'm not very intellectual, my maths and science are at a basic level, but it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter because I have no desire to go deeply into anything, not even within myself.

It might seem strange to people, but religion or spirituality means nothing to me but being human. I don't know whether God exists, although I can feel some greater guiding my life, who am I to assume that's God. If God is the greatest possible being then its quite likely I can't imagine Him or Her or It or Them. So what's the point in trying? I'd rather just be. And that's mostly what I do all day, I just be. "Be what?", you might ask? Just be present to life. I just accept it as it is, and I accept I can never understand it fully. Even one million years from now this statement I know will hold true to some stupid historian that has nothing better to do than to analyse history by looking at all our blog posts of this time and then categorise our state of development of consciousness at this given time - well Mr. Historian - I do feel sorry for you! Get a new job! lol!

I'm not saying we should live like we did before the industrial revolution, we should progress technologically and scientifically, but it will never tell us the answer. Even a theory which supposedly explains everything won't be able to. So I think, just relax and enjoy life, why bother imagining the unimaginable? Also, desire and progress I find intriguing at this time. Desire just drives us mental, quicker we learn to manage desire the better - that's been my pursuit all these years and might I add, lifetimes. In modern speak, desire is a bitch that needs to be put on a leash and progress is an illusion created by idiots. I know its sounds harsh, but truth is harsh sometimes.

The whole world moves by desire, but I try and fight it off like a disease, sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail, but my soul always tries to fight it off or manage it. I have no desire to have anything against desire, it is what it is. Desire is a disease we all have. What do you do with a disease which you can't get rid of? Learn to accept it and live with it as best as possible. Progress is a word given by deluded people who cannot accept what is now. I personally believe true progress is not going forwards, its going backwards to our original originality.

Step into my life for moment instead of yours! :) If I have no desire, then how could there be progress? Well, the so called 'progress' we call today is just a bunch of bullshit, often literally. Its all stagnant, lifeless, rotting, stinking. Its all based on desire. Modern progress can eloquently be defined as "A human being acting like a dog, being pulled by a leash through the bullshit". Now that's science for you! You may not understand what I'm saying but I'm OK with that. Maybe you'll quote me someday, maybe not, but I've said all I needed to in this paragraph which is the summary of today's world. Now, Mr. Historian, I did all your work for you didn't I? Hahahaha! What an irony, you would think that without thoughts would make you stupid when in actuality, it gives a person superior intelligence.

Well, in summary Meri Zindagi Heh Teri Bandagi. Translation My Life Is Your Salutation. Interpret this how you will.

;) In Divine Service and Light,


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