
Friday, 2 July 2010

A New Era for My Life

The transition of my previous life is now complete and a new era - a new paradigm in my life has begun. The past is now in the past, now its time to move towards my final phase of mastery, sacrifice and service. This phase presents an interesting challenge. The challenge is of my mind, not of my heart.

My heart already knows and accepts its destiny, and although my mind does too, my mind will be challenged to expand in mastery, sacrifice and service in order for me to fulfil my destiny. My destiny is very simple and straightforward: To see other people fulfilled and in their fulfilment I shall be fulfilled.

But how do I allow people to become fulfilled? Well now I have a number of tools at hand: hypnotherapy, counselling, Shabad Guru, meditation, Kundalini Yoga, intuition, healing through eyes and hands, and soon also, Shamanic Journeying. With these tools all miracles are possible. As I continue to delve deeper into each of these tools I'm expanding my ability to heal people's hearts and give people an access to transcend their own self-created suffering to expand into the realm of bliss. The more I learn, the more I can share. The time is now and now is the time, to become gracious as a King, to become the light of everlasting, the time is now and now is the time.

Before this became possible however I had to transcend the desire to serve. Usually people go into service because they think there is something wrong with the world and want to fix it. Their conversation is this: "I want peace on Earth". But if a person removed the "I" and removes the "want" then all that's left is "peace on Earth". Ego and desire, or in other words, self-interest and emotions which drive a person towards or away from something need to be transcended or channelled in order to create peace on Earth. The universal rule is simple and paradoxical: go and things will come. Now it is time for me to apply this in real life to my life of service. It shall be a continuous process of letting go in the moment and transcending my desire in order to serve through a clear consciousness and a heightened intuition.

But let's not forget how FUN this all is. Fun is the heart of spirituality, whatever that is. If a person cannot have fun whilst serving, then either the service is wrong, or the person is clearing a whole HEAP of Karma! Either way one must just be with the feeling until happiness emerges, and emerge it shall. For happiness is an essential and core state of being in this life, it is the basis upon which the human being is built. The Soul which we truly are is a perfect expression of God who is beyond desire, beyond suffering and completely in bliss constantly - thus by being in Soul it is possible to always be happy and blissful in this life.

May God and Guru continue to give me the strength in this life to serve with compassion and kindness, and to complete the final stage of my development as a human being towards mastery, sacrifice and service and continue to keep me at his feet so that I may not become complacent in seeing and learning the continuing unfolding of life and legacy. Sat Naam.

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