
Thursday, 8 July 2010

Why I Am A Sikh?

I am a Sikh, a learner and a seeker of Truth. Learning to be a better human being in every moment of every day and seeking the Truth within. I do not believe in anything, I instead know through experience. My core values are honesty in living, sharing with and serving those in need, and daily meditation. This is my way of life. My Guru is the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Word, the eternal Master of Light, which inspires, guides and lights my life. The Guru is the complete living consciousness of perfect poetry, melody, meter, rhythm and rhyme. This is the source of my life. Poetry for me is the expression of my complete heart and soul. Union with infinity is my life’s goal, unconditional love is my vehicle and purity is my path. If I were to summarise my entire life’s lesson in a sentence, it would be to never stop putting in the effort, and one day you will be granted the grace to succeed.

By Guru's Grace - 22nd of August 2007

1 comment:

  1. Sat Nam,
    What a beautiful way to put it. This "knowing through experience" that you talk about is what attracted me to Sikhi in the first place. Thank you for this succinct personal definition.


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