
Saturday, 17 July 2010

Making Sense of Life

We often wander through life without really thinking about it. The faculties of our mind do not really serve us how they should. This is because we have not maintained or learned to maintain the faculties of our mind. When our mind is maintained it becomes crystal clear and sharp like a diamond - enlightened. But when we to not keep our mind in shape it sags and lags and become very inefficient and ineffective. But then the question arises, how to maintain the mind?

Well the secret is the music, frequency and projection to which the mind is attuned. If the mind is attuned towards infinity, it reflects infinity like mirror reflecting a vast ocean. If the mind is attuned towards an object, it keeps thinking about an object. If the mind is attuned towards a person, it keeps thinking about a person. However, even the frequency of the mind changes because the mind forgets the instructions it has been given. Therefore a repetition or constant reminder is required for the mind to keep it in tune. 'In tune' is the correct phraseology, because the mind is always tuned to a frequency just like a radio station.

What then is the frequency of God and how to attune the mind to that frequency? Well, through music, melody and poetry. In order for a song to be effective it must have the right music which creates the right mood and then through the use of the right words which speak to all aspects of a person's mind, body and soul, the cycle of effectiveness is complete. The Sikh Holy scripture, the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is written in music, melody and poetry that is complete, whole and perfect and takes the listening and the reader directly to God. There need be no middle-man to God, the Sikh Gurus gave all of humanity a way to God directly through the Shabad, the hymns which cut the ego and allow a human being to rise to their full potential.

In the future we shall see that without the Shabad, life cannot be complete. Shabad exists in all religions in one form or another, so it is up to the devotees of every religion to bring forward their music, melodies and poetry to share with the world. The music of a society is a sign of its spiritual evolution. A society which has not developed their consciousness has emotional and commotional music which speaks to just the emotions and makes people's emotions go wild, it does not settle the anxieties of the heart, mind and soul. Even very advanced civilisations will only learn to attune their bodies, minds and hearts, but their souls remain empty. In order for a hymn to penetrate to the deepest parts of the psyche it has to have come from an enlightened human being who has attained the state and status of God, the most perfect being in the Universe. The Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is one of very few examples of such a collection of hymns that speak to all parts of the human psyche and remove all anxieties however deep they may be.

It is time to evolve as a human race. To evolve our hearts, to evolve our minds and to evolve our Self, so to experience the ecstasy which is our birthright as a human being. It is through the ecstasy and bliss that we understand to let go of our judgements, our anxieties and our self created sufferings. May we all, by God's Grace, stick to our songs, understand our songs and practice our songs so that we can evolve ourselves to a higher level of consciousness, which is just part of the game of life and existence.

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Page 692 of the Shri Guru Granth Sahib:
Day by day, hour by hour, life runs its course, and the body withers away.
Death, like a hunter, a butcher, is on the prowl; tell me, what can we do? ||1||
That day is rapidly approaching.
Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse - tell me, who belongs to whom? ||1||Pause||
As long as the light remains in the body, the beast does not understand himself.
He acts in greed to maintain his life and status, and sees nothing with his eyes. ||2||
Says Kabeer, listen, O mortal: Renounce the doubts of your mind.
Chant only the One Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortal, and seek the Sanctuary of the One Lord. ||3||2||

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